February 06, 2025

WIU Ag Mech Club’s 50th annual Farm Expo Feb. 8-9

School of Agriculture hosts 100th anniversary dinner

MACOMB, Ill. — The 50th annual Farm Expo, hosted by Western Illinois University’s Agriculture Mechanization Club, will be Feb. 8-9 in Western Hall, 1051 W. University Drive, Macomb.

“This year’s show has extra meaning as it is not only the 50th Ag Mech Show, but the 100th anniversary of the WIU School of Agriculture,” said Ag Mech Club adviser Jana Knupp.

“We hope to see many of our alumni come through the show to see some new additions to the show, as well as stay to attend our celebration dinner on Saturday evening. It will be a great weekend to celebrate the long-standing success of the WIU School of Agriculture.”

A new addition to the Ag Expo this year is a “Grain to Glass” section featuring samples of products from local breweries and vineyards. Guests may purchase sampling tickets or a full glass of their favorite beverage at the show.

There will be a “Kid’s Corner,” which will have bouncy houses, face painting, balloon artists and caricatures, all of which are free.

Another portion of the expo will be dedicated to the School of Agriculture and its history.

The School of Agriculture 100-year anniversary dinner will begin at 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8. with a cocktail hour, followed by dinner at 6 p.m. in the Heritage Room in the WIU University Union.

Free will donations will be accepted at the event.

Hours for the free expo are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Free parking for the event is located in Q-lot, adjacent to Western Hall.

Follow the Farm Expo at Facebook.com/wiuAgMechFarmExpo. For more information about the WIU School of Agriculture, visit wiu.edu/ag.