March 19, 2025

Doran: Indiana Beach closure brings fond memories

It was disappointing to hear that Indiana Beach at Monticello, Indiana, was closing. The resort on Lake Shafer was a popular destination in the middle of Indiana’s farmland for 93 summers.

According to reports, potential buyers have emerged and we shall see what transpires.

Indiana Beach was a frequent destination for my family from when I was a youngster through adulthood when I took my children there. After a short drive along Route 24 and minimal cost, it was a way to get away from it all for a weekend.

It was a long time ago, but I vividly remember walking near the Boardwalk’s ballroom with my folks and hearing this very familiar music coming from the second floor. It was a sound that I’d heard on my transistor radio on WLS when I lived on the farm.

“I think that’s the Beach Boys,” I told my folks.

We walked toward the steps that led up to the second floor and there was a Beach Boys poster. It was them.

That was July 17, 1964. OK, I Googled that as I didn’t remember the specific date, just the experience.

Not many summers went by in my youth where we didn’t make a weekend trip to Indiana Beach. We’d usually stay at the Riviera Resort or the campground adjacent to the park.

Several years later when I was working at my hometown newspaper in Dwight, Illinois, I received in the mail a promotional packet from Indiana Beach under the theme, “There’s more than corn in Indiana.” Loved it.

There was the Cornball Express, Hoosier Hurricane, Air Crow-Flying Scooters, Cap’n Crow’s Bumper Boats, the Shafer Queen paddle wheel riverboat and numerous other rides for all ages. Dr. Frankenstein’s Haunted Castle was scary, but fun when I was a much younger lad.

It’s where I was first introduced to Skee Ball and the Gallery of Ghouls shooting gallery.

Long before today’s fancy water parks, Indiana Beach had a huge slide that would take you quickly into Lake Shafer near the park’s beach. That was a big deal back in the day.

The future of this fun place may be in jeopardy, but I’ll always have those pleasant memories of my youth walking along the boardwalk, experiencing the thrill of the rides and the sounds of “Surfin’ Safari” and “Surfin’ U.S.A.” coming down from the ballroom.