January 11, 2025

FFA officers launch Operation Rising Sun

Team focuses on connecting with members during virus outbreak

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Illinois FFA state officers are connecting with members across the state with Operation Rising Sun.

As COVID-19 struck the United States, schools throughout Illinois were closed and FFA activities were canceled.

“It seemed like a lot of social media was negative, so we knew it was in our hands to make the most of the situation,” said Gage Miller, president of Illinois Association FFA.

“Our secretary, Collin White, came up with the name Operation Rising Sun because in our emblem the rising sun represents leading out of the darkness of selfishness and into the glorious sunlight,” Miller said. “So, we thought if we can look past the darkness we’re in now, we can look into the sunlight of what’s ahead.”

FFA members connect to #operationrisingsun on Facebook.

“We had to make the most of what we had, so we knew we had to expand our platforms on social media,” the Cambridge FFA member said.

Operation Rising Sun features several aspects including the posting of retiring addresses from state officers at previous Illinois FFA Conventions.

“Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we are doing a Facebook Live Kahoot, which is an online test that teachers can do in a classroom,” Miller said. “But since everybody is home, you use two electronic devices like a phone and tablet.”

One of those devices is watching the Facebook Live, which is run by a state officer asking questions. The second device is used by the FFA member to answer the question.

“We ask questions about FFA history or a fun fact about a state officer,” Miller said. “Then whoever answers the question the fastest or gets the most questions correct gets the points.”

Operation Rising Sun also includes a Daily News segment.

“This is a fun video that we post around 9 or 10 a.m. of the five officers doing skits,” Miller said. “Our vice president, Lane Harvey is the host and then he turns to each of the other officers for a different segment.”

Emma Freebairn, FFA treasurer, does the weather; Collin White, FFA secretary, provides a goose report; Miller delivers a daily ag fact; and Brodee McCormick, the reporter, supplies announcements with Harvey providing the wrap-up of the segment.

Miller stressed that the FFA officers are focused on remaining positive even though the pandemic caused the cancellation of the State Awards Day in March.

“That is the day when the district winners compete to determine the state winners for all the proficiency areas,” he said. “We’re looking to do maybe a virtual judging process and a lot it is not set in stone yet, but we are working to make it happen one way or another.”

The COVID-19 crisis also forced the postponement of many chapter banquets.

“We got our speeches ready and I went to one chapter banquet,” the FFA president said. “A couple other officers also went to a banquet, but Emma didn’t get to before the banquets got cut short.”

While the FFA officers are connecting with other members from their homes, they are also continuing to prepare for the state convention set for June 9-11 in Springfield.

“We are going to be ready for it whether it’s virtual or in person,” Miller said.

Miller noted the importance of the guidance provided by Mindy Bunselmeyer, executive director, and John Edgar, assistant director of the Illinois FFA Center, during this uncertain time.

“They told us to make the most of the situation and finish out the year strong,” Miller said. “They are helping us do what we can with what we have.”

“We’re trying to do the most to interact with members while they’re at home,” he stressed. “As time goes on and this continues, I see us doing more social media interactions.”

For more information about the Illinois Association FFA, go to www.ilaged.org.