March 12, 2025

Indiana Farm Bureau makes regional discussion meet virtual

INDIANAPOLIS — Due to mandated safety measures and the need for social distancing to help slow the spread of COVID-19, Indiana Farm Bureau has decided to use a virtual platform for 2020-2021 regional discussion meet.

The annual Farm Bureau Discussion Meet is a competition that was created to help youth associated with the agriculture industry to develop skills to help research and build one’s knowledge on important agricultural issues and current events.

Megan Ritter, Indiana Farm Bureau’s executive director of administration, said INFB holds regional discussion meets where the winners move on to the state competition and possibly the national competition.

“We wanted to provide an opportunity for everyone to participate,” Ritter said, adding that INFB decided to move forward with a virtual discussion meet so that members still had the opportunity to engage and discuss hot topics related to agriculture.

The first two rounds of the regional meet will take place over Zoom on Aug. 22 with the top 16 moving on to the next round which will be held during the Indiana Farm Bureau State Convention.

Ritter said the discussion meet competition is meant for anyone involved in the agriculture industry in anyway and they do not have to be an expert. Registration for the event is due Aug. 17.

For more information about the virtual discussion meet, visit: