February 13, 2025

Find Food Illinois: New community map locates food assistance sites

URBANA, Ill. — Over 2 million Illinois residents rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for food assistance according to May totals from Illinois Department of Human Services.

That number increased 14.4% from January as the effects of COVID-19 impacted the financial stability and food security of individuals and households across the state.

To help Illinois residents and families meet their basic food needs, University of Illinois Extension is launching a new Illinois community food map that allows individuals to search by Illinois ZIP code for all food resources in that area.

Find the map and other resources at eat-move-save.extension.illinois.edu.

“Our map takes a whole community approach, mapping all helpful food resources, not only food pantries and summer meal sites,” said Caitlin Kownacki, SNAP-Ed Extension specialist with Illinois Nutrition Education Programs.

Residents who count on SNAP and other nutrition assistance programs, such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, typically search multiple, specific websites to find the resources they need.

The comprehensive new Illinois community food map combines all resources in one geolocation mapping tool, making it particularly convenient for those with limited access to transportation.

In addition to locating food pantries and school and summer meal sites, households seeking food support will be able to search specific areas for the nearest grocery stores, food retailers, farmers markets and roadside farm stands that accept SNAP (LINK), WIC, or senior food benefits. Illinois SNAP and WIC offices, where individuals can sign up to receive benefits, are included in search results, as well.

While this resource aims to help all Illinois residents looking for food assistance, Kownacki believes it will be especially valuable for single parents, single-head-of-household families and households with children.

In 2018, an American Community Survey Brief by the U.S. Census Bureau reported 31.6% of national households participating in SNAP were single-head-of-household families and 50.9% of SNAP households in Illinois have children under the age of 18. In developing the map, it was important to make finding food easier for families who may rely on multiple sources.

Powered by FoodFinder Inc., the map combines input from Illinois Extension, Feeding Illinois and the food bank network, Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Department of Human Services, Illinois Department on Aging, Illinois Office of Emergency Management and other state and private agencies who collaborated to create this inclusive list of food resources.

A crowd-sourcing feature supports submissions for additional resources to be added to the map. The map will be maintained in real-time as data sources and submissions are received and approved. Food providers who wish to be included may submit requests on the EatMoveSave website.