INDIANAPOLIS — Representing Indiana in the hopes of being selected as a National FFA officer was Noah Berning, who served as the 2019-2020 Indiana FFA state treasurer.
“Noah has been a part of the FFA for most of his life, coming to FFA State Convention when he was a young child,” said Joe Martin, who is the Indiana FFA program specialist.
Martin said Berning used to come to Indiana FFA conventions quite often because his mother was a past state officer.
There are six National FFA officer positions available, and Berning is one of 38 outstanding FFA members who are representing their respective states in hopes of receiving one of the coveted positions.
“He has had the goal to be a National FFA officer since the first convention he attended,” Martin said.
As part of the process, Berning, who is from the Heritage FFA Chapter, was selected as Indiana’s candidate by a state nominating committee.
“Indiana FFA is proud to have him represent us as a National Officer candidate,” Martin said.
Before elections for the 2020-2021 National FFA officer team took place, Berning participated in a two-phase interview process.
The first phase consists of four rounds where students are challenged with tough questions and activities, and once that phase is over, 50% of the candidates will be eliminated.
In the second phase candidates are tested in round-robin conversations, the ability to lead a classroom discussion and media interviews with various stakeholders.