INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ag Professionals Conference is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 31. To ensure the safety of members and staff, this year’s event will be held virtually.
While the INFB YF&AP program is built to engage INFB members who are 40 years of age and younger, all members of Indiana’s agriculture community — farmers and agribusiness professionals of any age — are encouraged to attend. Because of the virtual nature of this event, registration will be free for all attendees.
The event agenda focuses on a variety of educational breakout sessions. Topics include farm stress and mental health, diversifying a farm operation, building an effective resume and insights into niche agriculture markets like popcorn and hops.
In addition to educational sessions, several INFB YF&AP programs will be honored with awards for programming and charitable giving.
YF&AP district chairs for Districts 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 have served their two-year terms and will step down from their roles at the close of the conference. The YF&AP district chairs filling their seats were announced at the 2020 INFB Virtual State Convention, but will serve in their first official capacity at the January conference.
Registration for the convention closes the second week in January. Register at