March 30, 2025

GSI introduces new, stronger grain bin

EVO 50 bin engineered to keep water out

ASSUMPTION, Ill. — For growers who need to protect what they’ve worked hard to produce, the new EVO 50 grain bin from GSI is engineered to keep the elements outside so they can earn more from what’s inside.

Greg Trame, director of global product development for GSI, said the new bin design offers stronger connections that minimize the number of bolts needed.

“Our new, optimized bolt pattern has fewer bolts and fewer holes. Combined with an advanced sealing system, that means water has fewer chances to get in,” he said.

Trame noted that grain bin water entry is not a significant issue in the industry.

“However, GSI designed the EVO 50 bin to go above and beyond expectations and offer the highest level of protection possible,” he said.

Other features include:

• Tougher hardware with four times the corrosion protection to provide a watertight seal.

• A conical sealing washer on the EVO 50 bolt to improve how the washer extrudes itself into the bolt hole to seal out water when tightened.

The EVO 50 design is available on stiffened bins 11 rings and taller, from 15 feet all the way to 156 feet in diameter.

To learn more, growers can contact their local GSI dealer or visit