March 28, 2025

ISA joins ASA in Washington

WASHINGTON — American Soybean Association and Illinois Soybean Association directors, alongside ISA staff, recently visited the nation’s capital to meet with legislators and to visit both the embassies of Taiwan and India.

The group met with five legislators from both sides of the aisle to discuss the upcoming farm bill, biofuels and the overall importance of agriculture.

Reps. Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro; Sean Casten, D-Downers Grove; Darin LaHood, R-Dunlap; Mary Miller, R-Oakland; and Eric Sorensen, D-Moline, appreciated farmers coming directly to them to voice their vision for the 2023 farm bill and other agricultural policy issues.

“We truly value our ability to discuss policy issues that are important to Illinois farmers directly with our state legislators,” said Brad Daugherty, ISA Board director and Government Relations Committee chairman.

“With the help of the American Soybean Association, we had the opportunity to talk through ways we can advance soy in the 2023 farm bill and improve the Renewable Fuel Standard to better represent soy-based biofuels to ensure it remains an eligible feedstock in renewable fuel opportunities.”

Illinois agriculture is well represented in Congress and on the U.S. House Ag Committee, said Andrew Larson, ISA director of government relations and strategy.

“Because the farm bill is top-of-mind for the Illinois Soybean Association and the 43,000 soybean farmers we stand for, visits like this one are critical to moving our policy priorities forward and strengthening our relationships with key legislators.”