October 17, 2024

90% would recommend INFB Health Plans

Addressing the need for affordable, reliable health care

INDIANAPOLIS — Nearly 90% of plan holders would recommend Indiana Farm Bureau Health Plans to a friend or family member, according to a recent survey.

Over half of plan holders reported INFB Health Plans is less expensive than their previous coverage, with some reporting savings up to $1,300 per month.

Nearly 20% were not previously insured before joining.

“We always look forward to feedback from our plan holders,” said Steve Allen, INFB Health Plans manager.

“Hearing directly from them reveals what is most important to our members, what they are happy with and how we can continue to best serve them in their health care coverage needs.

“Over 60% of new plan holders surveyed reported joining INFB to be eligible for INFB Health Plans. This is a testament to just how critical more affordable and dependable health care is to rural communities and beyond.”

Other highlights:

• More than three-quarters of plan holders are very satisfied with the choice of healthcare providers in their current plan — a 7% increase from last year.

• INFB Health Plans utilize the extensive UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus network for hospitals and doctors, giving customers many options to choose from.

• 76% of current members report it is very easy to use INFB Health Plans with their current providers — a 13% increase from last year.

• Across both new and current members, affordability and availability of in-network providers are the top two reasons they joined INFB Health Plans.

• Convenience ranked third for new members, and the fact the health care offering is backed by Indiana Farm Bureau ranked third for established members.

• As of April 30, enrollment in INFB Health Plans totaled over 3,500 enrolled plans, which equates to more than 7,700 Hoosiers covered.

To learn more about INFB Health Plans and apply for coverage, visit www.INFBhealthplans.com.

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor