March 03, 2025

TLC hosts Learning Circle for women farmland owners

HARVARD, Ill. — Women who own or manage farmland are invited to a free Learning Circle hosted by The Land Conservancy of McHenry County.

The Learning Circle will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 28 at the Alden Township Building, 8515 Alden Road, Harvard.

The event is $5 per person, and lunch is included. The deadline to register is July 25. Participants can register online at or email

With a farm visit in the afternoon to Wanda Farm, this Learning Circle will focus on related topics such as rotational grazing, land access, family farming, marketing channels, Natural Resources Conservation Service programs and more. One of TLC’s partners, Savanna Institute, will also be there to discuss agroforestry practices.

Participants are encouraged to bring their questions, ideas and concerns about their farm and farming in general.

The event is open to women with all levels of experience, whether they are actively managing a farm, or they’ve recently inherited a farm and are learning about how to run a healthy and productive operation.

Nearly half of all farmland in Illinois is owned or co-owned by women, and many women manage farmland on their own.

This event will provide women the opportunity to meet other landowners, share their farm successes and challenges, discuss goals for their land and get advice and technical assistance.

TLC will hold two more Learning Circles on Aug. 14 and Sept. 16. Visit to learn more.

The Land Conservancy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the health and preservation of natural and agricultural land in McHenry County.