March 26, 2025

Common Ground networking event for farmland seekers, landowners planned

Tickets are on sale now for the sixth annual Northern Illinois Common Ground gathering. The event will be hosted at Duke’s Alehouse and Kitchen in Crystal Lake, a restaurant known for supporting small-scale, local growers and for its selection of craft beers.

CRYSTAL LAKE, Ill. — Area farmers and farmland owners with an interest in local sustainable agriculture will have the opportunity to network at the upcoming Common Ground Gathering from 2 to 5 p.m. Dec. 8 at Duke’s Alehouse and Kitchen in Crystal Lake.

Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Registration is $10 per person. Participants can learn more and register at, or call Jeanne Janson at 217-840-2128, ext. 751.

The Common Ground Gathering is a casual social event that gives farmers and landowners the opportunity to learn from and connect with each other.

It is designed for those looking for land to start or expand their farm business, looking for a farmer to purchase, steward or lease their land or just looking to learn more about land access.

“Farmland owners and farmers can partner together in ways that are profitable, good for the land and good for the community,” said Linda Balek of The Land Conservancy of McHenry County. “But first they have to find each other and talk. That’s what this event is all about.”

The afternoon begins with three featured farmland owners who will share their stories about beginning the transition of their land to hopeful farmers: Bob and Mary McCann of McCann Blueberry Farm in Woodstock; Nance Klehm of Pachamanka near Freeport; and Oriana Kruszewski of Oriana’s Orchard in Freeport.

These landowners are interested in a nontraditional farm transition plan and value transfer via mentoring and creative lease agreements. Farmers wanting to retire or young farmers looking for access to land, may be interested in their stories.

Everyone in attendance is invited to share their own story during the event’s popular lightning-round session.

Afterward, there will be plenty of time to network with other land seekers and landowners in the community and browse resources from 10 different organizations dedicated to helping land seekers and landowners. In addition, appetizers will be provided by Duke’s.

“This is the eighth year that we are holding the Common Ground Gathering,” Balek said. “People really enjoy it and have made valuable connections that have continued beyond the event.”

This year, there is also a pre-event workshop for land seekers. Illinois FarmLink and the Center for Agrarian Learning are hosting a morning workshop from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the basics of finding and securing a land arrangement.

Farmers and farmland owners from McHenry County, northeast Illinois and southern Wisconsin are invited to attend.

Common Ground is organized by The Land Conservancy of McHenry County, Farmers Rising, Northern Illinois Young Farmers Coalition, Illinois Farmlink and the Center for Agrarian Learning.

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