February 05, 2025

Calendar: Agrivoltaics Field Day at U of I Energy Farm

URBANA, Ill. — Agrivoltaics Field Day will be 9:30 a.m. to noon July 24 at the University of Illinois Energy Farm, 4110 S. Race St., Urbana.

Agrivoltaics combines solar panels for electricity generation within agricultural production. The field day allows attendees to see an agrivoltaics system and ask questions to better understand the possibilities of combining agronomic crops with solar power generation to improve farmers’ incomes and resilience.

There is no cost or registration to attend the field day. CPDUs and CEUs are available for those who qualify. The event is grant-funded and hosted by SCAPES, Illinois Extension, and the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment.

For more information, visit https://tinyurl.com/msd4rm8j.

Partnering for Pollinators

SYCAMORE, Ill. — Explore the Monarch Waystation at your own pace at the Partnering for Pollinators Open Garden, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 20 at the Mayfield Congregational Church, 28405 Church Road, Sycamore.

Waystation gardeners will be available to answer your questions as you enjoy the flowers, butterflies, bees, and birds.

For more information, visit https://tinyurl.com/2v9um2dj.

Moth Stroll

MARION, Ill. — The Guided Golden Hour Moth Stroll will be 8 to 9:30 p.m. July 22 at the Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, 6987 Headquarters Road, Marion.

The National Moth Week program will be led by Illinois Extension Forest Management and Ecology Specialist Kevin Rohling and Horticulture Educator Kimberly Rohling.

Participants will meet in the Harmony Trail parking lot for the 90-minute stroll. Attendees should bring a camera, headlamp or flashlight, since the hike will conclude at dark. If you would like to assist with citizen science efforts, download the iNaturalist app beforehand.

Learn more or register for this event at go.illinois.edu/moth.

Cooking Camp

MOUNT ERIE, Ill. — Delicious Discoveries Cooking Camp for fourth- through sixth-graders will be 9 to 11 a.m. July 22-25 at Mount Erie Nazarene Church, 2481 Co Rd 1800 N, Mount Erie.

From mastering basic kitchen skills to experimenting with new ingredients, campers will gain confidence in the kitchen while developing an appreciation for good food and healthy eating habits.

Register at https://tinyurl.com/5anwpuxe.

Mental Health First Aid

MOUNT CARROLL, Ill. — Adult Mental Health First Aid will be 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. July 22 at the Mount Carroll Public Library, 208 N. Main St., Mount Carroll.

Mental Health First Aid teaches participants how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in adults. This training also will provide the skills needed to offer initial help and how to guide a person toward appropriate care if necessary. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, psychosis and addictions.

Participants will complete a two-hour, self-paced online training before joining the instructors for the in-person class on July 22.

Register for this free program at https://tinyurl.com/yckrcww5. For more information, contact Karla Belzer at kbelzer@illinois.edu or 815-632-3611.

Summer Air Frying

BRIGHTON, Ill. — The program Summer Air Frying will be 2 to 3 p.m. July 22 at the Brighton Memorial Library, 110 N. Main St., Brighton.

Have an air fryer or are you considering purchasing one and are unsure how to use it? Keep the oven turned off this summer and the house cool by using an air fryer. Participants will learn about cooking with different fats, get hands-on practice using an air fryer and make seasonal recipes focused on improving heart health.

Register by calling the library at 618-372-8450.

Learn to Can

OAKWOOD, Ill.— The program Learn to Can will be 5 to 6 p.m. July 22 at the Oakwood Public Library, 110 E. Finley Ave., Oakwood.

Illinois Extension Nutrition and Wellness Educator Rachel Mannen will demonstrate how to preserve your harvest and enjoy delicious homemade canned goods year-round.

Register by visiting https://tinyurl.com/b5m89mf9.

Tai Chi for Arthritis

BENTON, Ill. — Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention Series will begin 10 to 11 a.m. July 23 at the Franklin County Extension office, 1212 Route 14, Benton.

Older adults are more likely to fall, which can cause serious injuries. The causes of falls include muscle weakness, poor balance and vision, lack of confidence in moving about, and medication’s effects. Many studies have shown that tai chi is one of the most effective approaches for preventing falls. Extension Family Life Educator Robin Ridgley will lead exercises to improve muscular strength, flexibility and fitness.

The series will meet twice a week through Sept. 12. Register at https://tinyurl.com/yc2776dt or call 618-993-3304.

Companion Planting

URBANA, Ill. — The online program Companion Planting: Bountiful and Beautiful Together will be 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. July 23.

Did you know that tomatoes “like” to be planted next to beans, carrots or asparagus? Growing certain plants together can benefit the whole garden. Discover plant partnerships that offer strategies to break up heavy soils, combat weeds and disease, lure pests away, attract specific beneficial insects, and improve pollination. Companion planting is a way to combine thriving vegetable gardens with the beauty of flowers and herbs.

Register at https://tinyurl.com/2yxfmth7.

Livestock Auction

NOBLESVILLE, Ind. — The Hamilton County 4-H Livestock Auction will be 5:30 to 8 p.m. ET July 23 at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant St., Noblesville.

Order of sale will be poultry, rabbits, beef, sheep, dairy and meat goats, and swine.

For more information, visit https://tinyurl.com/46857pm7 or call 317-645-6655.

Don’t Go It Alone

CATLIN, Ill. — The program Don’t Go It Alone will be 10 to 11 a.m. July 24 at the Catlin Public Library, 101 Mapleleaf Drive, Catlin.

Studies show that more than 20% of adults in the United States feel lonely, isolated, or both. Research increasingly points to social isolation and loneliness as profoundly affecting quality of life, especially for older people. Don’t Go It Alone will explore social isolation and strategies for keeping in touch with others while also learning about resources available to older adults.

The event is free, but registration is required. Reserve your spot by visiting https://tinyurl.com/2hxy2v36, or call 217-333-7672.

Weed Identification

CARLINVILLE, Ill. — The program Weed Identification 101 will be 10 to 11 a.m. July 24 at the Macoupin County Extension office, 60 Carlinville Plaza, Carlinville.

Sometimes, homeowners struggle with identifying weeds. They believe they are treating a particular weed but may be unsure if the treatment is affecting desirable plants. Andrew Holsinger, Extension horticulture educator, will discuss proper weed identification.

The program also will be offered online. Register at https://tinyurl.com/bdf7xabx.

Healthy Aging

URBANA, Ill .— The online program Balancing the Mind and Body: Yoga and Healthy Aging will be noon to 1 p.m. July 24.

The practice of yoga encompasses a variety of techniques to balance the mind and body, with many health-promoting benefits. Discover how yoga can promote healthy aging for older adults by improving physical functioning, brain health, psychological functioning, and social connection.

Register at https://tinyurl.com/2rbnvu4f.

Cooking for Cancer Prevention

CROWN POINT, Ind. — The program Cooking for a Lifetime of Cancer Prevention for Women will be 1 to 3 p.m. CT July 24 and July 31 at the Lake County Extension office, 2291 N. Main St., Crown Point.

Participants will learn about reducing cancer risk by getting screened, eating healthy and being active.

Register by visiting https://tinyurl.com/5xkmeyb7. For more information, call 219-755-3240.

Ewing Field Day

EWING, Ill. — Ewing Agronomy Field Day will be 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. July 25 at the Ewing Demonstration Center, 16132 N. Ewing Road, Ewing.

Illinois Extension’s annual field day will feature various educators and campus faculty as they provide best management practices for local growers.

Ewing Demonstration Center has served the agricultural community of southern Illinois since 1910. Research at the center includes various trials for corn, soybeans, sorghum, wheat and cover crops. The center has featured no-till research and demonstration plots for more than 50 years as it offers representative growing conditions for southern Illinois.

Field day is free, and lunch will be provided. Certified Crop Advisor CEUs will also be offered. To register, visit https://tinyurl.com/347kw4w4 or call 618-439-3178.

Pressure Canning

CORYDON, Ind. — The Pressure Canning Workshop will be 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET July 25 at the Harrison County Extension office, 247 Atwood St., Corydon.

Join Purdue Extension master home food preservation instructors to learn the basics of pressure canning through education and a hands-on workshop. Participants will prepare and process a recipe and get a jar of produce to take home.

Cost is $30. Register by visiting https://tinyurl.com/3hdxjj8d.

Honeysuckle Webinar

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — The Asian Bush Honeysuckle webinar will be at 6 p.m. ET July 25.

Whether you’re a plant enthusiast or researcher, this webinar is a great way to broaden your knowledge about this invasive plant species.

The program is part of the ReportINvasive Webinar Series hosted by the Purdue University College of Agriculture, Department of Entomology.

Register at https://tinyurl.com/23hz3ypf. Once you sign up, you will be emailed a link to the program. For more information, call 765-494-0822 or email rfbruner@purdue.edu.

Building Stronger Boards

REYNOLDS, Ind. — The program Building Stronger Boards will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET July 26 at the White County 4-H Community Building, 12 North 25 East, Reynolds.

The workshop is for community members who want to become more effective in their roles and responsibilities as nonprofit board members. Through a series of interactive discussions and activities, participants will build their knowledge, skills, and connections with others in the local nonprofit community.

Participants will identify the qualities and characteristics of effective boards, understand the fundamental roles and responsibilities of all board members, and identify and understand the phases of the board development cycle. Time also will be spent gaining skills to run more effective, efficient and engaging meetings.

Whether you have just joined your first nonprofit board or have years of experience in serving your community, this workshop will introduce you to some of the leading best practices in board management.

Cost is $100 and includes lunch. Register by visiting https://tinyurl.com/yc4p3ckp.

Succession Planting

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — The online Lunch and Learn program Maximizing Garden Seasons: Succession Planting and Blooms will be noon to 1 p.m. ET July 26.

Learn the basics of succession planting to maximize vegetable production and flower blooms.

Register by visiting https://tinyurl.com/5ctx2sen.

County Fairs

July 20-27 — Boone County 4-H Fair, 1300 100 S, Lebanon, Ind.; www.boonecounty4h.org/home; 765-482-0750.

July 20-27 — Crawford County Fair, 108 Legion Pkwy., Oblong, Ill.; crawfordfair.com; secretary@crawfordfair.com; 618-553-2079.

July 20-27 — Edgar County Fair, 114 N. Main St., Paris, Ill.; www.edgarcountyfair.com; skinridgepoultryfarm@gmail.com.

July 20-27 — Jasper County Fair, 3671 W. Clark St., Rensselaer, Ind.; www.jaspercountyfair.weebly.com; jcfa2017@gmail.com; 219-866-7263.

July 20-27 — Pike County 4-H Fair, 1211 State Road 56, Petersburg, Ind.; www.extension.purdue.edu/pike; pikeces@purdue.edu; 812-354-6838.

July 20-27 — Ripley County Fair, 525 W. Beech St., Osgood, Ind.; 812-689-6511; hughesd@purdue.edu.

July 21-25 — Adams County Fair, 160 W. Washington St., Monroe, Ind.; 260-724-5322

July 21-25 — Shelby County 4-H & Jr. Fair, 1361 IL-128, Shelbyville, Ill.; Shelby_co@extension.uiuc.edu; 217-412-9378.

July 21-26 — Scott County 4-H & Jr. Ag. Show, 41 N. Walnut St., Winchester, Ill.; www.facebook.com/scottcountyjrfair; 217-742-9572.

July 21-27 — Jackson County Fair, 476 E County Rd 100 S, Brownstown, Ind.; www.jacksoncountyfair.org; 812-358-2751.

July 21-27 — Madison County 4-H Fair, 501 South Park Ave., Alexandria, Ind.; www.madisoncounty4hfair.org.

July 21-27 — Saline County Fair, 200 Dorris Heights Road, Harrisburg, Ill.; www.facebook.com/SalineCountyAgFair; salinecountyfair@yahoo.com; 618-253-5126.

July 21-28 — Monroe County Fair, 4177 IL-156, Waterloo, Ill.; monroecounty-fair.org; 618-939-7796.

July 22-27 — Fulton County Fair & Racing, 1377 S. Main St., Lewistown, Ill.; www.fultonfair.com; 309-547-3748.

July 22-27 — Vanderburgh County Fair, 201 E Boonville-New Harmony Road, Evansville, Ind.; www.vanderburghcountyfair.com; melaniej2525@yahoo.com; 812-867-6217.

July 22-28 — Henderson County Fair, 122 E. Jones St., Stronghurst, Ill.; www.hendersoncofair.com; thefair@hendersoncofair.com; 309-924-1177.

July 23-27 — Stephenson County Fair, 2250 S. Walnut Road, Freeport, Ill.; stephensoncountyfair.org; info@stephensoncofair.org; 815-235-2918.

July 23-28 — Madison County Fair, 225 Park Hill Drive, Highland, Ill.; www.madcofair.com; madcofair@gmail.com; 618-654-6656.

July 23-Aug. 3 — Edwards County Fair, 90 W. Pine St., Albion, Ill.; edwardscountyagfair.org; 618-445-3615.

July 24-27 — Mason County 4-H & Jr. Ag Show, 17248 E County Rd 1600 N, Havana, Ill.; www.facebook.com/MasonCounty4HJrShowAssociation; fairboardassoc@gmail.com.

July 24-28 — Lake County Fair, 1060 E. Peterson Road, Grayslake, Ill.; www.lcfair.com; info@lcfair.com; 847-680-7200.

July 24-28 — McLean County Fair, 116 Interstate Drive, Bloomington, Ill.; www.mcleancountyfair.org; info@mcleancountyfair.org; 309-663-6497.

July 24-30 — Adams County Fair, 210 E. 1250th St., Mendon, Ill.; www.adamsfair.org; adamsfair@adams.net; 217-936-2230.

July 25-28 — DuPage County Fair, 2015 Manchester Road, Wheaton, Ill.; www.dupagecountyfair.org; info@dupagecountyfair.org; 630-668-6636.

July 25-28 — Lee County 4-H Fair & Jr. Show, 1196 Franklin Road, Amboy, Ill.; www.leecounty4hcenter.com; kdallam@hotmail.com, 815-857-2603.

July 25-29 — Daviess County Fair, 212 W. Hwy. 57, Elnora, Ind.; www.facebook.com/daviesscountyfairinc; 812-486-8071.

July 25-29 — Stark County Jr. Fair, 300 E Washington St., Wyoming, Ill.; www.starkcountyjrfair.com; starkcountyjrfair@gmail.com; 319-461-6580.

AgriNews Staff

AgriNews Staff

The Illinois AgriNews and Indiana AgriNews staff is in the field each week, covering topics that affect local farm families and their businesses. We give readers information they can’t get elsewhere to help them make better farming decisions.