PERU, Ind. — Pond and Fish Management Workshop for Purdue Extension educators and other agency partners in Miami County will be 1 to 3 p.m. ET April 16 at the Izaak Walton League, 700 W. 10th St., Peru.
The workshop will be led by Agriculture and Natural Resources educators David Osborne and Jonathon Ferris. Topics will include:
• Understanding pond ecosystem.
• Managing aquatic vegetation.
• Pond maintenance.
• Fish species for Indiana ponds.
• Fish stocking rates.
• Fish population management.
Register for this free program by visiting
Houseplant Propagation
OGLESBY, Ill. — Houseplant Propagation will be 6 to 7 p.m. March 26 at the Oglesby Public Library, 111 S Woodland Ave., Oglesby.
This program will show you how to propagate houseplants using a number of different techniques, including leaf or stem cuttings, division, and air layering. This will be a hands-on session and everyone attending will take home a new plant.
Register at
Gardening with Wildlife
CHERRY VALLEY, Ill. — Gardening with Wildlife will be 6 to 7 p.m. March 26 at the Cherry Valley Public Library, 755 E. State St., Cherry Valley.
Do you enjoy gardening but worry about wildlife destroying plants? Boone County Master Gardener interns Tenley Erickson-Ranum and Brianne Ambrose will explore ways gardens and wildlife can co-exist.
Register by calling the library at 815-332-5161. For more information, visit
Shamrock Shenanigans
MANSFIELD, Ill. — Shamrock Shenanigans will be 6 to 7 p.m. March 27 at the Blue Ridge Township Library, 116 Oliver St., Mansfield.
Participants ages 8 to 18 will plant a shamrock, make a shamrock suncatcher, and make shamrock mint milkshakes.
Register for this free program at
Plant-Powered Cooking
JERSEYVILLE, Ill. — Plant-Powered Cooking will be 3 to 4 p.m. April 1 at the JCH Wellness Center, 412 Maple Summit Road, Jerseyville.
Discover how to boost your protein intake with plant-based cooking, explore the latest research on plant-forward diets, and master the art of storing vegetables for maximum freshness. Participants will make and taste recipes.
Register by calling 618-498-3500. For more information, visit
Composting Workshop
MURPHYSBORO, Ill. — The Composting Workshop will be 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. April 1 at the Jackson County Extension office, 402 Ava Road, Murphysboro.
Compost can improve your soil health and structure by adding organic matter to help bring in beneficial organisms, help with moisture and nutrient retention, and reduce erosion.
Register fo this Modern Homesteading Series program by visiting
Insects and Diseases
URBANA, Ill. — The online program Insects and Diseases will be 6 to 7 p.m. April 1.
New and experienced growers alike are challenged by pests, diseases, and disorders of vegetable plants. Learn about insects, diseases, and wildlife pests and how to prevent and manage them.
Cost is $10. Register for this Growing Great Vegetables Webinar Series program by visiting
Sourdough Bread
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — Sourdough Breadmaking Essentials will be 6 to 7:30 p.m. April 2 at the Bloomington Public Library, 205 E. Olive St., Bloomington.
Discover the secrets to turning simple ingredients such as flour, water and salt into delicious, crusty sourdough bread using wild yeasts and bacteria. Participants will receive resources, handouts and recipes.
This program is free to attend and no registration required. For more information, visit
Indoor Plants
BRIGHTON, Ill. — Success with Indoor Plants will be noon to 1 p.m. April 3 at the Brighton Memorial Library, 110 N. Main St., Brighton.
Plants that thrive in indoor environments require a balance of plant culture and human care. Learn how to create a healthy houseplant environment by selecting the right plants for your indoor space.
Register for this free program at
Economics of Conservation
KEWANEE, Ill. — The Economics of Conservation will be 1 to 3 p.m. April 3 at Cerno’s Bar & Grill, 213 W. 3rd St., Kewanee.
This farmer-led discussion will include information on in-field nutrient loss reduction strategies and conservation practices, with a focus on economic impacts. This event provides a platform for farmers and professionals to share insights, explore financial incentives, and discuss real-world applications of conservation practices.
Register for this free program at
A Taste of Lamb
SALEM, Ind. — Washington County Sheep Association’s A Taste of Lamb will be 6:30 p.m. ET April 4 at Southern Hills Church, 1645 S. St. Rd. 135, Salem.
A Taste of Lamb will feature the popular lamb cook-off. Attendees will enjoy several lamb dishes, prepared with locally raised lamb, and vote for their favorite. Prizes will be awarded to the three dishes with the most votes. Attendees will learn about preparing lamb and will take home recipes.
Cost is $10. RSVP by calling the Washington County Extension office at 812-883-4601. For more information, visit
Gardeners’ Big Day
CANTON, Ill. — Gardeners’ Big Day will be 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. April 5 at Spoon River College, Engle Conference Center, 23235 County Hwy. 22, Canton.
The event includes educational sessions, snacks, door prizes and vendors.
Session topics will include Water Management in the Home Landscape, Carrots Do Not Love Tomatoes, Gnomes That Rome, Native Seed Saving, Beneficial Insects, Native Trees and Shrubs, Culinary Herbs and How to Use Them, and Designing with Fresh-cut Tulips.
Cost is $25. Register at
Wildflowers Walk
MARION, Ill. — The Wonderful Wildflowers Walk will be 9 to 11 a.m., and 1 to 3 p.m. April 5 at Rocky Bluff Trail at Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, 6987 Headquarters Road, Marion.
Learn how to identify spring ephemeral wildflowers in the guided walk led by Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator Kimberly Rohling and Forestry Specialist Kevin Rohling.
Register at
Garden Patch
PONTIAC, Ill. — A Day in the Garden Patch will be 9 a.m. to noon April 5 at the Livingston County Illinois Extension office, 1412 S. Locust St., Pontiac.
Topics will include Rejuvenating an Existing Landscape, How to Create a Hummingbird Café, and Succulent Creations Make and Take.
A $30 registration fee includes light refreshments, the educational programs, and succulent make-and-take materials. Check-in and light refreshments will be available at 8:45 a.m., with the workshops beginning at 9 a.m.
Register at
Wildflower Hike
OGLESBY, Ill. — The Spring Wildflower Hike will be 10 a.m. to noon April 5 at Starved Rock State Park, 2678 East 873 Road, Oglesby.
Explore the beauty of spring wildflowers on a guided hike at Starved Rock State Park. Spring ephemeral wildflowers can only be viewed for a brief period of time, between the ground thawing and the forest canopy leafing out. Master naturalist volunteers will guide hikers through each natural area to search for these rare springtime blooms.
Register at
Mental Health First Aid
VINCENNES, Ind. — Purdue Extension Knox County is presenting online Adult Mental Health First Aid, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET April 16.
Adult Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based course that teaches participants:
• How to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis.
• Signs and symptoms for a variety of mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, substance use, trauma, and deliberate self-injury.
• Awareness and understanding of the impact mental health and substance use stigma can have.
• How to assist those in need to get help from a health professional.
The course includes two hours of online, self-paced learning; six hours of live instruction led by Purdue Extension staff; and a Mental Health First Aid participant manual
This course is free to attend, thanks to funding provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Register by visiting For more information, contact Tonya Short,; or Adam Tyler,
Nature Day
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Purdue’s Student Chapter of Environmental Education is hosting Community Nature Day, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET April 19 at the John S. Wright Forestry Center, 1007 N 725 W, West Lafayette.
The event will include interactive environmental activities, information about the local ecosystem and natural resources, and games for all ages. Food will be available.
For more information, visit