October 18, 2024

Take time to recharge

Make mental health a priority

TYLER, Texas — Do you ever feel mentally overheated? It could be a sign of burnout.

Besides taking time to rest, there are other ways you can try to prevent burnout, according to the Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention and Education.

1. Shift your focus from worrying to problem-solving.

2. Think about how to turn your challenges into opportunity.

3. Notice what you have accomplished rather than what you failed to do.

4. Set realistic goals and expectations daily.

5. Give up trying to be perfect.

Along with trying out these tips, call the 211 hotline or visit www.211.org for resources that can help you and your family during these hard times.

When you’re a farmer or rancher, there are many things outside of your control. Weather, market prices, trade deals and more. It can feel overwhelming. But there are also things in your control.

Here are some tips from North Dakota State University Extension:

• Plan ahead. Don’t procrastinate. Replace worn machinery parts during the off-season.

• Before the harvest, discuss who can be available to run for parts, care for livestock and so forth.

• Set priorities about what has to be done today and what can wait until tomorrow. Plan your time.

• Say no to extra commitments that you do not have time to do.

• Simplify your life. If possible, reduce your financial dependence on others.

• Schedule stressful events within your control, such as elective surgery.

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor