COLUMBUS, Ohio — Rural families face unique challenges when facing the already difficult task of caring for sick loved ones.
Dee Jepsen, professor at Ohio State University, encouraged caregivers to ask the right questions and find the right resources to help them on their journey.
She was a speaker during the 2021 AgrAbility National Training Workshop.
“A caregiver provides assistance to another individual who has a disability or other limiting condition, or a person who is suffering from an illness,” Jepsen explained.
Rural caregivers face hurdles including geographic isolation, gaps in service systems and unique needs of farmers.
“There are only four kinds of people in the world — those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who will need caregivers.”
— Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter
Within the last five years, the number of caregivers has increased from 43.5 million in 2015 to 53 million in 2020 in the United States, she said.
“We know that farming is a dangerous occupation,” Jepsen said. “It does lead to disabling conditions and limitations that aren’t as prevalent in the general population.
“We also know that, in the country, we have fewer providers, infrastructure and support compared to urban counterparts. We take a holistic approach to working with farmers and their families, and caregiving may be part of their story.”
How can you help caregivers?
• Have a list of resources to offer.
• Ask what they need.
• Hold webinars, workshops or local events. Share resources. Invite local service providers and vendors. Create a place for caregivers to meet each other.
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