March 03, 2025

Donna’s Day: Stir up gooey goop for Halloween fun

Kids everywhere love just about anything that’s gooey, slithery and slimy. That’s probably why this recipe for “gooey goop” is such a crowd pleaser when you get together with friends, especially at a Halloween party. It’s quick, easy and creates lots of laughter. What could be better?

Here’s what you’ll need:

8-ounce bottle of white house hold glue such as Elmer’s

8 ounces water

Poster paint or food coloring (optional)

Small mixing bowl Large mixing bowl

1 cup warm water

1 1/2 teaspoons borax powder (available in the laundry detergent section of larger supermarkets)

Here’s the fun:

Squeeze the entire bottle of glue into a big bowl. Then fill the empty 8-ounce glue bottle with water and add to the glue. Stir a lot while adding several drops of poster paint or food coloring. Mix colors, use just one, or don’t add any color at all and leave it white. We usually make our batches purple.

In the smaller bowl, stir together the cup of warm water and borax powder until almost dissolved. Don’t worry if you can’t get all of the little clumps to disappear completely.

Gather your family or friends together for this step! Slowly, and stirring constantly, pour the borax mixture into the glue mixture. Swirl the results with your hands and in seconds goop will form into gooey globs as it oozes from your slippery grasp. Pick it up, knead it, squeeze it and enjoy playing with it.

Note: Keep the gooey goop away from carpets and upholstered furniture. If it gets on your clothing, wash it out quickly with soap and water.

Tip: While you are making the recipe, make up other names for the concoction. How about “Sublime Slime,” “Slithery Concoction” or “Ectoplasmic Ick?”

Donna Erickson

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