INDIANAPOLIS — Bethany Community Gardens is hosting a series of free gardening classes.
The first class will be from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 1 at Bethany Lutheran Church, 4702 S. East St., Indianapolis.
Other classes will be held at the same time Feb. 15, April 5 and April 19.
Topics include microgreens, cool season crops, companion planting, perennial vegetables, seed starting, garden basics, composting, insect and disease management.
Reservations are not required, but are requested.
About The Garden
In 2021, Bethany Community Gardens provided over 5,300 pounds of fresh organic vegetables free to two food pantries and garden volunteers. The organization aims to provide food to families in need and help build a sense of community.
Nearly 50 volunteers dedicated over 2,000 hours to the cause last year. An additional 52 students from the University of Indianapolis and Beech Grove High School helped for five half days.
For more information or to RSVP, email