September 20, 2024

Senior News Line: What lured us back to the senior center?

The too-young staffers at the senior center finally figured out that we’re not coming back until COVID is gone. And it’s not gone. In some areas it’s easing up a bit, but here it’s still going strong.

We’re not willing to risk contagion by dashing in the door of the senior center and pretending things are back to normal.

At least once a week the center sends out emails and gets few replies in response. Come to the Ladies Lunch served indoors? No thanks.

Experiment with still-life photography in the meeting room, with vases, statuettes and fruit provided? No.

We held out, refusing as a group to be party to any potential COVID-spreading indoor activity.

Finally, the staff got it. They went with videos. The art classes will be online.

The book club will have an online discussion, with a link to how to log in to the meeting. And the exercise classes will be posted online so everyone can stretch and work out at home.

But it was the offer of free haircuts that broke our resolve. Some of us haven’t been in a salon for two years.

The rules were specific. Stay in our car until we were handed an at-home COVID test, which we would take in the car.

If it proved to be negative, we could proceed one person at a time to the next step, which was to sit on a chair in the hall inside the right-side door of the center and wait for our turn.

When the person ahead of us was finished, down the hall in the kitchen, she would be escorted out the left-side door to the parking lot.

It was glorious.

We each came out of the left-side door with a spring in our step, freshly relieved of two years of unruly hair.

Staff should have thought of this before.

Matilda Charles

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