October 18, 2024

Senior News Line: Early resolutions for 2024

In 2024, take on the challenge of learning a new skill or hobby — like juggling — as an adult. It can bring big cognitive and emotional benefits.

Having stuck with less than half of the New Year’s resolutions I made for January 2023, I decided that for 2024 I need to give much more thought to what I commit to.

In other words, not to take on more than I can actually do — and to give a much longer period of consideration to the whole thing. Hence this early start in talking about resolutions.

I’m leaning toward one-time efforts, things I commit to doing once, not whole lifestyle changes that, frankly, I’m probably too old to actually make at this point. I’m looking for success in smaller areas.

To that end, I can likely accomplish the following in 2024:

• Hire someone to paint the bathroom. Surely the neighborhood handyman will be looking for extra cash. Better for him, rather than me, to climb a ladder and hang out over the tub to paint the wall.

• Sell my father’s coin collection, specifically the tiny gold coins I found in his jewelry box. I’m already watching the price of gold, and when it reaches a certain number, I will pounce and head for the coin shop where I’ve already made inquiries.

• Visit the local gym and try out ellipticals and stair climbers, which will surely convince me once and for all that I do not need one in the house.

• Learn to juggle. Yes, this is something that will take more than one attempt, but once I learn to juggle three soft balls — they come in a kit on Amazon, along with a how-to booklet — I’ll be able to cross that particular accomplishment off my life list.

• A final resolution that will need lengthy consideration: adopting a young kitten for my cat, to give him a little pal.

I think I’ll be more successful with this list of resolutions than I’ve ever been before. It will certainly be more fun.

Matilda Charles

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