March 26, 2025

Cheese sculpture unveiled

Celebrating dairy, classic art

A giant cheese sculpture was unveiled at the Indiana State Fair.

INDIANAPOLIS — A giant cheese sculpture was unveiled and enjoyed by guests at the Indiana State Fair.

The sculpture paid homage to the State Fair’s “Art & Nature of Fun” theme. It included a nod to two pieces of art — American Gothic and the Mona Lisa.

It was created by internationally-renowned cheese sculptors Sarah “The Cheese Lady” Kaufmann and Nancy Baker.

It was made from nearly 2,000 pounds of yellow and white cheese from Pace Dairy in Crawfordsville.

The sculpture was sponsored by American Dairy Association Indiana and its nearly 700 Hoosier dairy farm families.

After the fair, the cheese joined other biological matter from the fair destined for a north-central Indiana digester, where it was churned and used as energy.

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor