March 03, 2025

Looking forward to National FFA Convention

Q&A: Mandy Hazlett

Mandy Hazlett

INDIANAPOLIS — With the National FFA Convention right around the corner, Mandy Hazlett is busy preparing for another successful event.

Hazlett, associate director of convention and events management programs at the National FFA Organization, looks forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.

She shared an update with AgriNews.

Q: What are you looking forward to at this year’s convention?

A: I always love opening day and the sea of blue jackets pouring into the convention center and the stadium for the opening session.

While I’m running about during the week, I like the impromptu conversations that I get to have with students, teachers and friends within the industry, some I only see once a year.

And always on the last day myself and my teammates take time to sit and watch the announcement of the new incoming national officer team. There are usually some tears because of their excitement for the incredible year they have in front of them.

Q: What’s new at this year’s convention?

A: This is one of those years where we don’t have any new events or activities added, but I will highlight a couple of cool things.

We have a completely sold-out Expo and Shopping Mall with some new exhibitors and vendors this year, including a hat bar in the shopping mall.

We have brought back our pin challenge again this year where students can complete certain activities and collect all five to wear on their lanyards.

We have also gone back to printing a small event guide and added back the autograph page where students can collect signatures of members from all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This is such a cool way for members to interact with one another.

Q: How long have you been involved with FFA?

A: I have been with the National FFA Organization for 16 years.

Q: What do you love most about the organization?

A: There are so many wonderful things about being a part of the National FFA Organization. I truly believe in the mission of FFA, and the joy that the FFA members bring to the organization, their communities and the future of our nation is a blessing to be a part of.

Q: How many people do you expect to attend?

A: This year we should see between 65,000 and 70,000 attendees.

Q: Any tips for FFA students coming to Indianapolis for the convention for the first time?

A: Attend an opening session and as many general sessions as possible. Go through the Expo more than once and take the Expo map in the event guide and mark up different exhibitors they want to visit.

Make sure to participate in a student workshop, a Career Success Tour, if possible, a service project through the National Days of Service and to just have fun meeting members from across the country.

Q: What types of skills and experiences do students walk away with after attending convention?

A: Attending the convention can be a life-changing experience. Students have opportunities to learn about giving back through participation in a service activity, presentation and knowledge base skills through competitions, leadership development through student workshops, career ideas through our Career Success Tours or conversations with exhibitors and so much more.

Q: Is there anything else about the upcoming convention you’d like to mention?

A: We, of course, are ecstatic about those who get to attend in person, but we know that we have thousands of FFA members and stakeholders that can’t make the trip for various reasons, but that doesn’t mean that can’t be a part of the action.

Anyone can watch the National FFA Convention & Expo like never before on “FFA Live!,” our streaming broadcast that begins with the first drop of the gavel on Wednesday, Oct. 23, and ends with the election of the 2024-2025 National FFA Officers on Saturday, Oct. 26.

In between, they’ll see the national convention and expo in action, with live broadcasts of each general session, Finals Hall presentations, historical footage, interviews and information about the FFA member experience. They can access “FFA Live!” at

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor