March 11, 2025

New UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed delivers better grazing, peace of mind

Corteva Agriscience brings pastures 1-2 punch they need for a fast start

INDIANAPOLIS — New UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed from Corteva Agriscience makes it easy to bring the combined benefits of broadleaf weed control and fertility to grazing and haying acres.

“Herbicide-impregnated dry fertilizer has been one of the most successful technological advances for pasture management over the past decade,” said Morgan Bohlander, Range & Pasture marketing category leader at Corteva Agriscience. “Now, UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed gives producers the peace of mind that comes with a certified retailer program and unmatched product support.”

The certified fertilizer retailer impregnates herbicide onto dry fertilizer granules during the blending process. UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed requires a soil-active herbicide — DuraCor herbicide, for example — to work. Rainfall puts the solution into the soil where weeds take up the herbicide.

UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed helps contain costs while enhancing productivity by eliminating an application expense and increasing forage production.

Every pound of weeds controlled on pastureland and hayfields increases seasonal forage production by 1 to 1.5 pounds of desirable grass and improves utilization by grazing animals. Plus, including a herbicide helps ensure the fertilizer goes to growing grass, not weeds.

“Often, fertilizer goes out early in the spring and the producer has the full intention to come back later with weed control,” said Scott Flynn, Range & Pasture field scientist at Corteva Agriscience.

“But then the realities of the season hit, and unpredictable spring weather and fieldwork get in the way of timely pasture spraying. UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed helps ensure both important steps get done — and done right.”

The network of fertilizer retailers and custom applicators offering UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed must complete extensive education and training to become certified by Corteva. This elite group is committed to the highest standards of blending, application and product stewardship for consistent results.

Producers receive a herbicide recommendation customized to their pastures and weed spectrum. For those who own application equipment, UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed offers the freedom to self-apply, too, when equipment is exclusively used for pastures.

UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed offers great convenience: a time-saver, one less trip, one less application cost. UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed is available on dry fertilizer in 22 states.

Where liquid fertilizer is preferred, certified retailers who mix approved herbicides with liquid fertilizer also can provide UltiGraz Pasture Weed & Feed.

Producers can visit to learn more.