November 26, 2024

New AP Pit Monitoring Stick helps swine producers better manage manure levels

ASSUMPTION, Ill. — AP, AGCO’s swine production equipment brand, is introducing a new Pit Monitoring Stick system that provides swine producers with real-time data to know precise manure pit levels so they can plan their pumping schedule more efficiently.

John Slavin, AP product manager, said the new system helps swine producers better visualize the amount of manure and know how much storage they have left.

It consists of a pressure sensor, a controller and a stick inserted into the pit to measure manure levels, which has traditionally been done by using a measuring tape or measuring stick.

“This new system also provides insights on how much pit storage producers are using week-to-week and month-to-month,” Slavin said. “As a further benefit, it can help detect excessive soaking and large water leaks without the producer being on-site.”

Slavin said the Pit Monitoring Stick can be operated as a stand-alone system or can be connected to AP’s EDGE barn controller to provide automated updates and alerts about manure pit storage levels.

For more information, producers can contact their AP dealer or visit