March 03, 2025

Sheep Day moves back to June 3

URBANA, Ill. — The Illinois Lamb and Wool Producers Sheep Day and Annual Meeting is set for June 3.

“We are having our meeting in June to accommodate more people. Lambing should be about over and hopefully farming somewhat at a slower pace than March,” said ILWP President Carol Lingley. “Anyone in the sheep industry is welcome and invited to attend.”

The event will take place at the University of Illinois in Room 131 of the Animal Sciences Laboratory, 1207 Gregory Drive, Urbana.

“We will start with an informational meeting followed by lunch and then our annual meeting. This year, we are having a lamb workshop being held at the same time in the Stock Pavilion,” Lingley said.

“We encourage those involved in the sheep industry of Illinois to attend. This will be an interesting and educational meeting.”

The morning program consists of the following speakers:

• Andrew Weaver, North Carolina State University Extension small ruminants specialist — genetic tools and management practices to improve parasite resistance and end-product value of small ruminants.

• Matt Bunger, Illinois state grazing lands specialist and 2022 Pastureland Conservationist of the Year — pastureland, cover crops, grasses and hay.

• Megan Myerscough, Purina Mills livestock production specialist — sheep nutrition and new products on the market.

• Josh McCann, U of I Department of Animal Sciences assistant professor, and Anne Crider, American Sheep Industry representative — wool and fleeces.

Following lunch, available for $10, will be a short business meeting. There will also be a silent auction.

The Youth Lamb Workshop is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the U of I Stock Pavilion, 1402 Pennsylvania Ave., Urbana. Registration begins at 8 a.m.

For more information, contact Lingley at 618-292-1674 or