March 03, 2025

Wilra Farms to host dairy tech tour

NASHVILLE, Ill. — Illinois Milk Producers Association and the University of Illinois Extension will highlight innovative dairy technology and management practices during the annual Dairy Tech Tour.

This year’s tour is taking participants to Wilra Farms in Nashville. The guided tour will be led by farmer Clint Harre, and Phil Cardoso and Derek Nolan from the U of I.

Attendees will hear about the latest innovations in dairy technology and management and learn from dairy farmers who have implemented new dairy systems.

“Tech tours are an excellent opportunity for Illinois dairy farmers and industry representatives to view the latest in dairy technology and management,” said Tasha Bunting, IMPA executive director.

“Dairy farmers can really connect with attendees, showcase the systems they’ve implemented and learn from one another during these tours.”

Wilra Farms, established in 1982, is where the Harre partners — Clint and Nick Harre, their father, Doug, their uncle, Curt, and cousins Lucas and Matt — spend most of their time.

After more than 40 years, the farm’s parlor system wasn’t keeping up with demand and the family needed to think of a new solution.

In 2022, they upgraded their technology and invested in a Waikato rotary milking parlor. This enhancement allowed the family to expand its milking herd to 500 cows.

The dairy also became more efficient and created a better environment for both the cows and those milking the cows.

The Dairy Tech Tour will be held 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on July 17 at Wilra Farms, 6071 Van Buren Road, Nashville.

The farm tour will include discussions on management practices led by the Harre family, as well as a research update session led by Phil Cardoso. Lunch will be provided.

On-farm tour highlights include: Meet the calves, a tour through the Waikato rotary milking parlor and a state-of-the-art ventilation system.

The event is free to attend, and preregistration is not required. Visit for more information on the tour or stay connected at @ILMilkProducers.

Contact the IMPA by calling 309-557-3703 or emailing for sponsorship opportunities.