September 07, 2024

Regenerative grazing schools offered in September

BREESE, Ill. — The Illinois Grazing Lands Coalition released details of two upcoming regenerative grazing schools that the organization will host in September.

The first school will take place Sept. 8-9 in southern Illinois and a second school will be held Sept. 15-16 in northern Illinois.

“ILGLC is quickly becoming the voice of regenerative grazing in Illinois,” said Christian Lovell, ILGLC coordinator. “A key part of our work is providing Illinois producers access to the resources, support and technical assistance to implement regenerative grazing strategies on their farms.

“The grazing schools announced today will provide an opportunity for farmers throughout the Midwest to come and learn firsthand from leading regenerative grazing experts.”

Over two days, attendees at each school will take part in classroom and in-the-field instruction by expert presenters who will cover a wide range of topics: basics of getting started, soil fertility and soil health, water and fencing systems, extending the grazing season, multispecies grazing, and more.

In addition, a panel of local livestock producers will discuss their operations, as well as their experiences with regenerative grazing.

“We invite anyone to attend, especially beginning and existing producers who seek to add to their knowledge of grazing and pasture management to better their operations,” Lovell said.

“The benefits of regenerative grazing go beyond improving soil health, water quality and biodiversity. The practice can also have a very positive economic impact on a producer’s bottom line through increased animal performance and lower feed costs.”

Registration by Aug. 25 is required to attend. A registration fee of $50 per attendee for each school covers the cost of instruction, handouts, meals and refreshments for both days.

Attendees may register for one or both schools. Space is limited. Historically underserved producers are encouraged to attend. Scholarships are available for those who need financial assistance.

Registration can be completed at or by contacting Lovell at

The schedule for each school is noon to 7:45 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Saturday. Lunch, dinner and refreshments will be included on Friday, with lunch and refreshments on Saturday.

• Southern School — Sept. 8-9: Farraway Farm, 20534 E. Fairfield Road, Bluford.

• Northern School — Sept. 15-16: All Grass Farms, 18N681 IL-31, Dundee.

ILGLC’s 2023 regenerative grazing schools are a collaborative effort with key partners, including The Wallace Center at Winrock International, the Illinois Natural Resources Conservation Service and University of Illinois Extension.

Earlier this year, ILGLC’s multiyear project, Building Illinois Grazing, was one of 49 nationwide projects selected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service for funding.

Through the BIG project, ILGLC will expand its regenerative grazing events offering, with further details coming in the next few months.