ARDEN HILLS, Minn. — Raising cattle is both demanding and fulfilling. Each day offers new possibilities for producers to improve their herd and work toward greater profitability.
With the cattle market at historically high levels, many producers are seizing the moment to move their businesses forward with the help of management programs.
Whether it’s feed financing, product testing trials or value-added calf marketing programs, cattle producers say these services are helping them address challenges and take advantage of market conditions to advance their operations.
Moving Forward
Every operation pursues their growth and performance goals differently, and what works for one may not suit another.
Purina Animal Nutrition’s tools and services are designed to help pinpoint key areas of focus on your farm or ranch, empowering you to take your herd to the next level and continue moving your cattle business forward.
The 6-4-0 Feed Financing Program is a unique collaboration between Purina and John Deere Financial which allows producers to offset one of the most significant expenses on their cattle operation by delaying payments for up to six months during the enrollment period.
While payments are delayed during the enrollment period, Purina covers the interest cost for up to six months. It provides the flexibility to pay for feed after cattle have been marketed.
“It’s been a real advantage to pay 0% interest for six months (during the enrollment period),” said Wayne Drouhard, a Kansas cow-calf producer. “It’s worked well for us and we’d highly recommend it.”
The Purina Wind and Rain Mineral Value-Added Program is one of the first feeder calf programs to provide buyers with calves that have a foundation built on quality mineral nutrition.
Calves enrolled in the program receive essential vitamins and minerals from conception to weaning.
Superior Livestock Auction sales data from 2023 shows that by participating in the program, producers could see sizable average premiums of $31 per head.
“Being part of the Wind and Rain Mineral Value-Added Program, the buyer has the confidence the calves have had sufficient nutritional support when they get them there,” said Buddy Raney, a Florida cattle producer. “Without the Wind and Rain Mineral Value-Added Program, we could possibly be leaving money on the table.”
Another innovative preconditioning program offered is the Purina Plus Value-Added Program. It combines a complete nutritional foundation, proven health protocols and progressive management to distinguish high-value calves for a sale day advantage.
“Back when we marketed them (calves) ourselves, we always did good,” said Ronnie Karl, a Missouri cow-calf producer. “But with the Purina Plus program, it just went from beyond good to excellent. There’s just no comparison.”
Feed can be put to test, as well, with a Purina Proof Pays feeding trial. Producers with 50 cattle or more can test a Purina feed or mineral product on their operation for 28 to 90 days with the help of their local Purina dealer to measure the impact on the herd’s performance.
“The quality of the animal has substantially gotten better,” said Ty Hendrick, a Montana cattle producer. “As it is for any rancher, you learn by doing — and sometimes it’s as simple as changing your feed program.”
Made For More
“Whether you’re dealing with a historic drought, down cattle market or simply looking for input on what to feed, we’re here to help your unique cattle business thrive for generations to come,” said Ted Perry, cattle nutritionist with Purina Animal Nutrition.
“As with our feeds, our programs are strengthened by our continuous research at the Purina Animal Nutrition Center in Gray Summit, Missouri. We are deeply invested in your success and take pride in helping you achieve your goals.”
“At Purina, we realize cattle producers are facing an ever-evolving business environment,” Perry said. “A shared passion with producers drives us to bring out the best in every animal.”
The relationship between producers and Purina goes beyond products.
“We are committed to working alongside you to address your herd’s specific needs and support you in achieving your goals and beyond,” Perry said.