February 05, 2025

7 steps to grain safety

ARLINGTON, Va. — Farmer safety was in the spotlight during Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week.

“The past year has been notable — to say the least — when it comes to health and safety in all aspects of our lives,” said Mike Seyfert, president and CEO of National Grain and Feed Association. “We’ve learned that small changes can make a big impact.”

The association shared tools and resources to educate farm workers about grain safety.

1. Turn off and lockout equipment before entering bins or performing maintenance.

2. Never walk down grain to make it flow.

3. Place a trained observer outside of the bin in case of an emergency.

4. Test the air in the bin before entering.

5. Control the accumulation of grain dust through housekeeping.

6. Do not enter a bin where grain is built up on the side.

7. Use a safety harness and anchored lifeline.

“Everyone who works at a grain, feed or processing facility should start the shift by focusing on personal safety,” said Jim Seibert, spokesperson at the National Grain and Feed Association.

“During each bin entry, you should make sure you’re performing your responsibilities by identifying and eliminating potential hazards and executing the task safely.”

Learn more at www.osha.gov/grain-handling and standup4grainsafety.org.

By The Numbers

14.65 billion — Bushels of corn and soybeans stored in 2019.

8,378 — Number of commercial off-farm storage facilities in 2019.

27% — Percent increase in grain entrapments from 2018 to 2019.

61% — Percent fatality rate of grain entrapments.

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor