February 06, 2025

New herbicide tool for farmers in 2022

JOHNSTON, Iowa — A new corn herbicide from Corteva Agrisience will give farmers a powerful, flexible solution to help them control weeds with three modes of action.

“We are excited to announce Resicore XL is a new corn herbicide coming to the market in 2022 that will give farmers weed control that they trust with next level application flexibility and crop safety,” said Brandon Walter, Corteva Agriscience U.S. product manager for corn herbicides.

“Resicore XL will give farmers up to eight weeks of residual activity and control for more than 75 broadleaf weeds and grasses including some of the most troubling weeds like Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, marestail and giant ragweed,” said Walter during the Get Ready for the Future of Farming — Corteva Agriscience Summer Media Day.

“This herbicide has a wider application window in post-emergence corn,” he said. “It can be applied pre-plant, pre-emergence and post-emergence.

One of the key benefits, Walter said, is that farmers can apply Resicore XL on corn greater than 11 inches tall.

“This is the longest application window within the Corteva corn herbicide portfolio today,” he said. “By having a wider application window, this gives farmers the flexibility to navigate through challenging weather conditions.”

Crop safety is important to farmers.

“Resicore XL comes equipped with encapsulated acetochlor to give farmers increased crop safety on post-emergence corn,” Walter said. “That means clean fields and opportunities to maximize yield.”

Another feature of Resicore XL is greater tank mix compatibility.

“Because of the flexibility, Resicore XL will be used with other products such as atrazine, glyphosate and other corn herbicides to help farmers customize and maximize their weed management programs,” Walter said.

Driving Growth

Innovation is not new to Corteva Agriscience.

“Over the last 20 years we’ve launched nine products in the corn herbicide portfolio,” Walter said. “We continue to evolve, listen to our customers and bring new innovative solutions to help farmers maximize their yield potential.”

Corteva Agriscience takes a solution first approach when it comes to weed control, Walter said.

“We have a robust pipeline of new innovation that will be coming into the market in the next two to three years,” he said.

Farmers continue to have changing needs and the agriculture landscape continues to change.

“Farming operations continue to get bigger, the weed spectrum is changing, weed resistance continues to grow and the volatile weather patterns make it more and more difficult to get fields planted, sprayed and harvested,” Walter said. “And because of that farmers are asking more of their corn herbicides than ever before.”

The Next Level

According to Kynetec Market Research, Walter said, Resicore was the most widely used residual corn herbicide in the United States in 2019 and 2020.

“Resicore XL will build on the success and proven, powerful weed control farmers have come to expect with Resicore with key enhancements of a wider application window, increased crop safety and greater tank mix compatibility,” he said.

Resicore XL is anticipated for EPA registration in 2022.

For more information about Resicore XL, go to www.resicoreXL.com.

Martha Blum

Martha Blum

Field Editor