September 09, 2024

Variable rate seeding can impact yield

PLEASANTVILLE, Iowa — Increasing soybean seeding rates can increase plant height and the height of the lowest pods, which can increase yield, according to agronomists at Pioneer.

However, soybean growers should approach variable rate seeding circumspectly, having clear justifications for increasing or decreasing seeding rates in management zones within variable fields.

“Soybeans are a very flexible crop,” said Ryan Van Roekel, a Pioneer field agronomist. “Variable rate seeding soybeans can really help fill in the gaps in your soybean fields, much more so than corn.”

Van Roekel advises growers to establish a seeding rate that works across their farming operation based upon experience and regional recommendations.

This can help maximize yield potential and agronomic benefits, such as stand establishment, weed control and disease management.

Growers should follow the trend of increasing seeding rates in areas of lower productivity and decreasing seeding rates in areas of higher productivity, Van Roekel said.

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor