March 03, 2025

DEKALB and Asgrow brands offer advanced new product lineups for 2024

ST. LOUIS — The 2024 new product lineups from the DEKALB and Asgrow brands offer advanced agronomics and the latest trait technologies designed to provide farmers with outstanding performance and high yield potential.

The DEKALB corn brand is introducing 29 new products for next season, including six VT4PRO Technology products. These products offer three built-in modes of action through Trecepta Technoloy that provide an elite above-ground pest package for corn.

Also inclued are two below-ground modes of action, one being RNAi Technology, the latest defense from Bayer to help manage corn rootworm.

All DEKALB products next season will include, at no additional cost, Acceleron ELITE with Enhanced Disease Control to help improve early-to-midseason disease protection.

The brand’s VT4PRO and SmartStax PRO with RNAi Technology products will come with new nematicide Acceleron N-314 seed treatment and VT4PRO products will also contain the Poncho 1250 seed treatment.

“The 2024 DEKALB class brings strong agronomics and high yield potential, but I’m especially excited about our expanded portfolio of SmartStax PRO products and the launch of brand-new VT4PRO Technology which brings a broad spectrum of insect control,” said DEKALB brand manager Jamie Horton.

She noted the brand’s 2024 portfolio also includes three new DEKALB Silage Proven products that meet high-quality forage standards of nutritional value per ton, milk per acre and percentage starch for dairy producing regions of the United States.

Twenty-two new Asgrow XtendFlex soybean products will be launched next season. They offer the industry’s first triple-stacked soybean trait with tolerance to dicamba, glyphosate and glufosinate herbicides, providing flexibility to help farmers manage tough-to-control weeds.

The Asgrow new product lineup also features resistance to key soybean diseases, including white mold, Phytophthora, brown stem rot and iron deficiency chlorosis, to help protect the high yield potential of Asgrow genetics.

“We’re excited about our 2024 class of Asgrow XtendFlex products,” said Asgrow brand manager Clint Chaffer. “We’re seeing outstanding yield performance potential, great disease tolerance and excellent weed control from our XtendFlex Technology.”