March 10, 2025

623 bushels new corn yield world record

David Hula of Charles City, Virginia, set a new world record of 623.84 bushels per acre of corn.

JOHNSTON, Iowa — David Hula of Charles City, Virginia, set a new world record of 623.84 bushels per acre with Pioneer brand corn product P14830VYHR.

His previous world record was 616 bushels per acre set in 2019 with the Pioneer brand P1197 family of products.

When selecting next year’s hybrids, Hula encouraged farmers not to be afraid of newer products.

He achieved 623 bushels per acre with the P14830 platform and 590 bushels per acre with the P10811 platform. Both hybrids were on the market for the first time.

Hula shared his top two considerations when making seed decisions.

“When you’re trying to select a hybrid, clearly, we look for yield,” Hula said. “But then, number two, what is the next step that one has to overcome, whether it’s disease, standability, grain quality, dry-down or just maturity?

“When we look for hybrids, we’re looking for yield and standability, and then we can control most of the other things. If a grower can’t control some of the other struggles, then they have to select a hybrid that can give them that strength that they need.”

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Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor