March 10, 2025

FFA Corner: Call to Illinois FFA Convention

Join us, the Illinois FFA traveling State Convention, for two weeks of member recognition, new and retired teachers appreciation, and fun with the state officer team.

The 93rd Illinois FFA State Convention is to take place over six days in May and June. May 28 will kick off the State Convention with a virtual Business Session. There, delegates will be voting on constitutional amendments, committee reports and approval of the 2021 State FFA Degree recipients.

June 1 is when our hybrid convention will come alive. This year, to follow COVID-19 guidelines, Illinois FFA will be putting on three district site conventions along with two days of an “all state” convention. These conventions will be held outside and will maintain the social distancing guidelines set by the state.

Districts 1 and 2 will meet on June 1 at the Corn Belters Corn Crib in Normal; District 5 will convene on June 4 at Southern Illinois University’s Saluki Stadium in Carbondale; and wrapping up the district conventions on June 9, Districts 3 and 4 will meet at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield in the Grandstand.

These district conventions will highlight the accomplishments of members, including the traditional State Degree Ceremony, and showcase what chapters have done this past year.

Our two days of “all state” convention will be on June 8 and 10 at the State Fairgrounds in Springfield in the Grandstand. June 8 will feature the state officers’ retiring moments, as well as the announcements of the Stars over Illinois.

June 10 will include the election session of the 2021-2022 state officers, a keynote from the National Eastern Region Vice President Miriam Hoffman and national chapter awards.

The Illinois FFA State Officer Team and staff have worked diligently to create this hybrid convention this year. If you can’t make it in person, don’t worry. Each session will be live-streamed and posted at a later date to YouTube.

We can’t wait to “Dare Illinois FFA” to be educators, advocates, mentors, pioneers and servant leaders at the 93rd Illinois FFA Convention.

Margaret Vaessen is the state reporter of the Illinois Association FFA.