March 13, 2025

FFA Corner: Convention provides opportunities to make connections

Chicago is the third-largest city in the United States with a population of almost 3 million, and from Dec. 4 to 7, the city was joined by Illinois Farm Bureau members and staff for their 2021 annual meeting.

The annual meeting had many fun and exciting activities, including the Young Leaders Discussion Meet, award recognition ceremonies, an exhibitor hall, keynote speaker, Illinois Agriculture Association Foundation Auction and more.

The Illinois Farm Bureau Annual Meeting wasn’t only joined by its members, but also the Youth Education in Agriculture committee representatives for 4-H and FFA. The youth representatives included:

• Molly Warner, Knox County, Youth Leadership Team

• Ashleigh Jenssen, Tazewell County, Youth Leadership Team

• Shelby Basham, Iroquois County, Livestock Ambassador Team

• Paige Lemenager, McLean County, Livestock Ambassador Team

• Adam Loker, Wayne County, Illinois FFA state president

• Jaton Shaffer, McLean County, Illinois FFA state vice president

• Lauren Mohr, McLean County, Illinois FFA state reporter

• Gracie Murphy, McDonough County, Illinois FFA state secretary

• Kara Freebairn, LaSalle County, Illinois FFA state treasurer

The YEA members carried the flags for FFA, 4-H, Illinois Farm Bureau, Illinois and United States of America in the opening session. Warner led the pledge of allegiance, and Loker gave remarks on behalf of Illinois FFA.

The YEA members were also in charge of helping to call out bids during the IAA Foundation Auction. The funds obtained from the auction will be sent to Ag in the Classroom to continue supporting agriculture education in schools.

The opportunity to attend and help at the Illinois Farm Bureau Annual Meeting is a great experience for the members to observe the meeting, but also make connections with others across counties.

The Young Leaders group holds competitive events like the Discussion Meet to allow individuals from different counties to compete against each other by discussing an agricultural topic. Competitors work together after stating thoughts, opinions and research to come up with an action plan for the issue.

This year’s Discussion Meet contestants showed a great amount of preparation and valuable thoughts that could eventually be implemented to improve the agricultural community. Congratulations to all individuals who participated, as well as the top four contestants:

• Nowell Moore, Woodford County, state winner

• Jeffrey Grady, Knox County, runner up

• Ryan Reeverts, Ogle County, honorable mention

• Nicole York, Gallatin County, honorable mention

The YEA members were also able to attend a general session with Cheryl Mitchell, the keynote speaker. Mitchell gave a powerful message to bring more awareness to mental health.

She expressed how she has always been a “Buck up, tough girl” and it was hard for her to admit she wasn’t herself. However, when she finally allowed herself to accept she needed help, she found peace.

Mitchell was vulnerable with the audience to bring awareness to mental health struggles that could affect farmers.

Farm Bureau plays an integral role in Illinois agriculture and making sure farmers are adequately represented on all levels of legislation, in communities and providing a helping hand when needed.

The 2021 annual meeting was the perfect place for members to gather to recognize the amazing things this organization does. Illinois FFA is honored to be a part of that experience.

Lauren Mohr from the Normal West FFA Chapter is the 2021-2022 Illinois Association FFA state reporter.