October 14, 2024

The Farm Bureau family: Who we are and what we do

The Zipline

When someone says “Farm Bureau,” what comes to mind first for you? Do you think back to your first Farm Bureau meeting, remember an event your county Farm Bureau put on, or maybe you’re reminded of all the friends you have made in this organization?

It can be hard to put into just a few words all that Farm Bureau means to our family, our farms and our communities, but sharing our story and inviting others to experience all that Farm Bureau has to offer is critical to the success of our great organization.

What exactly is Farm Bureau? Have you ever gotten that question? At its heart, Farm Bureau is the trusted “Voice of Agriculture” and the leading grassroots membership organization advocating for all farmers, ranchers and rural communities.

Farm Bureau welcomes and includes all types of farmers and serves all types of farms in 50 states and Puerto Rico for the benefit of families everywhere.

Our collective voice is the reason Farm Bureau can advocate effectively, enrich our communities and ensure we provide a safe and abundant food supply.

And as a grassroots organization, starting at the local level, the more people we invite to join us, the stronger our voice and our organization become.

This past spring, we conducted a survey that revealed an impressive statistic, 68% of the general public trusts the Farm Bureau brand. Not only that, but three-fourths of participants also said that Farm Bureau has had a positive impact on their community.

That’s an incredible achievement and reflects the hard work and dedication of our members — whether it’s through our advocacy efforts, community service or simply being there for our neighbors when they need us.

However, while these numbers did show a high level of trust, the survey also revealed that there is a sizable number of folks who know the Farm Bureau name, but not much else about us, and that makes them less inclined to get involved.

That’s where each of us can make a difference, by increasing the familiarity of Farm Bureau and sharing with our communities who we are and what we do for farmers and rural America.

Sharing Our Story

I often say that one of our biggest strengths is sharing our story and the same goes for showing people how Farm Bureau is the right place for them.

These days, especially with our younger generations, people want to align themselves with organizations that match their personal values and know they can have a role in making a difference. That’s where each of us can make a difference.

Telling someone about Farm Bureau doesn’t require a sales pitch or formal invitation, either. Many times, it’s just about telling your personal story and helping someone else see themselves in our organization.

It can be as simple as sharing about how Farm Bureau has helped you navigate through an issue, the connections you made at an event or even the leadership skills you’ve gained through our programs.

By sharing what Farm Bureau means to you personally, you can help someone to see how their values align with our mission.

What We Do

The next step of sharing what we do is the easy part — and your local, state and American Farm Bureau have you covered.

At every level, Farm Bureau’s strength is in bringing members together to speak with a united voice, support one another and give back to our communities.

If you are looking for more ideas to share about Farm Bureau, you can head over to our “Who We Are” and “What We Do” pages at www.fb.org, to learn more about what we focus on as an organization and what’s available to our members. Who knows, you may even find the next step in your own personal Farm Bureau journey.

I encourage you to check in with your local and state Farm Bureaus about what resources or opportunities are available to learn more about who we are, what we do, why we do it and who we serve.

We are so appreciative of the growing collaboration with our state and local Farm Bureaus on these efforts and I am excited to see how this new approach will invite more folks into our Farm Bureau family.

Why We Do It

The final piece of sharing the Farm Bureau story is why we do it. We all depend on the success of American agriculture, and Farm Bureau stands with farmers and ranchers as we work together to keep our nation’s food, fiber and renewable fuel supply safe, sustainable and secure.

It’s a mission that isn’t just meeting today’s challenges, but one that is working to support agriculture for generations to come. The decisions we make, the policies we advocate for and the members we welcome into our organization all help shape that future.

At the end of the day, Farm Bureau’s strength lies in our membership. Every engagement and experience someone has with us helps build their understanding of how the Farm Bureau family is here to support them and their communities.

Let’s continue inviting others to join along by sharing who we are, what we do and why we do it.

Zippy Duvall

Zippy Duvall

Zippy Duvall, a poultry, cattle and hay producer from Georgia, is the president of the American Farm Bureau Federation.