March 26, 2025

FFA officers prepare for upcoming leadership events

FFA Corner

Sidney Stiers

A combined 861 years of experience filled restaurant tables last week — two past state FFA officers from more than 55 years ago, three retired agriculture teachers, six farmers, several past FFA members and five current major state officers.

Honored, the current state officers enjoyed breakfast with the group of mostly retired men with countless connections to agriculture.

Little did the team know that this simple fellowship would turn into a core memory filled with remembrance of past FFA memories, agricultural experiences and perspectives on life.

Since my last update, the state officer team has been blessed with multiple opportunities to reflect on the past and plan for the future.

From joint board meetings to virtual Chapter Representatives Engagement Webinar meetings, the MSOs have diligently engaged in conversations to address current concerns and project future ideas.

These meetings cover every viewpoint in agricultural education, including from students, parents, teachers, FFA members, section presidents, district leaders, state officers and Illinois State Board of Education members.

Flipping the calendar year to 2025 led to the transition of our team goals to include planning for Illinois FFA State Convention.

During officer retreat in mid-December, the team established baseline themes, schedules and ideas to outline the work for the next six months leading up to the state convention.

Retiring addresses, videos, stage design, session scripting, logo apparel, award plaques, music selection, customized programs and logistics are now in full swing for this event projected to attract more than 6,000 people in June.

More urgently, preparations ensue for the eight days of six Ground Zero Leadership Conferences to enhance freshman FFA members’ leadership skills.

These conferences will help further accomplish “Mission: Connect” and will be led by a combination of current state officers, current section presidents, past state officers and past section presidents.

More than 1,275 freshmen are expected at the five locations for Ground Zero Conferences across Illinois, where the next generation furthers their connection to agriculture.

Sidney Stiers from the Williamsfield FFA Chapter is the 2024-2025 Illinois Association FFA state reporter.