March 08, 2025

Rural Issues: Our future is in our own hands

Cyndi Young-Puyear

I have said it many times: farming is not an easy life’s work and certainly not for the faint of heart. Farming can push you to your physical and emotional limits. It can nearly kill you. It can save your life.

Farmers and ranchers are at the mercy of environmental extremes. Unpredictable weather patterns, droughts, floods and storms in every season affect crop yields and livestock health.

We have an aging workforce. The average age of farmers is rising while fewer young people are entering the profession, creating challenges in maintaining a skilled workforce.

We are challenged by price fluctuations and trade disruptions. We must learn to successfully navigate market volatility and find ways to manage risk in an ever-changing environment. Prices for seed, equipment, fertilizer, fuel and almost every other input continue to rise.

Complicated water rights laws and regulatory restrictions on water usage add yet another layer of complexity for farmers. In fact, we must navigate a wide array of federal, state and local environmental regulations to stay in business.

We are at the mercy of the supply chain. We are constantly managing pests and disease. We are often targeted by so-called environmental and anti-animal agriculture groups.

The fact remains that the sharp edges of regulation, tax burdens and inflation have cut many in agriculture so deep the bleeding will not stop until no blood remains.

Burdensome regulations on your business will not automatically go away with a new administration. Consumers who believe GMO, or genetically modified, foods are poison and that meat, milk and eggs are pumped full of steroids and antibiotics will not simply and magically change their minds.

Farming and ranching is not an easy life, but it is an honorable pursuit and such a great environment for family. A farm or ranch is the best seedbed for growing a family.

In most instances, farm kids build resilience, foster a deep connection with nature, gain practical life skills and develop a deep-rooted sense of community.

As an employer, I find those with a farm background have an unmatched work ethic. They are problem solvers. They are critical thinkers. They are valuable and supportive team members.

How our story — the story of farmers and ranchers in the United States — unfolds is yet to be seen. The world will always need agriculture, but how and where that food is grown and who raises it in the future is yet to be determined.

We need to get over our petty differences and get better at collaborating with others in agriculture. Those of us with skin in the game must work together through our local, state and national ag organizations to turn up the volume of our collective voice.

We need to learn to be better listeners. We must communicate with and educate our friends, neighbors and lawmakers.

Get involved. Stay educated.

Cyndi Young-Puyear

Cyndi Young-Puyear

Cyndi Young-Puyear is farm director and operations manager for Brownfield Network.