Scholarships news
Applications are being accepted for college scholarships that are awarded by America’s dairy farmers and importers through the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board.
The Illinois Agri-Women organization is offering four scholarships for females studying agriculture.
The Fund for Rural America, Compeer Financial’s corporate giving program, is offering 123 scholarships to students this spring.
The National Cattlemen’s Foundation is accepting applications for the 2025 CME Group Beef Industry Scholarship. Ten scholarships of $1,500 each will be awarded to outstanding students pursuing careers in the beef industry.
When Doug Hanson returned to his home county to teach high school agriculture in 2001, he saw a trend in the local economy and wanted to try to make a difference.
As a father and now a grandfather, one of the most bittersweet moments is watching your kids and grandkids climb onto the bus for the first day of school each year.
Applications are now being accepted for the annual W.D. Farr Scholarship program. The scholarship recognizes outstanding graduate students pursuing careers in meat science and animal agriculture.
College students, clubs and classes are invited to sign up to participate in the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s 2024 College Aggies Online scholarship program.
Lallemand Animal Nutrition, North America, announced its 10th annual Lallemand Scholarship program.
Midwest Dairy is rewarding five students from Illinois with $1,000 this fall at the college or university of their choice.
The Illinois Agri-Women organization has awarded five scholarships for students studying agriculture.
Berkeley Boehne and his brother, Vaughn, raise corn, soybeans and wheat on their DeKalb County farm, where they also feed pigs and operate a custom manure application business.
Livestock Marketeers, an organization of livestock marketing professionals, will award a $1,250 scholarship to a college-aged student interested in pursuing a career in the livestock marketing industry.
This Illinois Beef Foundation announced eight young people from across the state as 2024 scholarship recipients.
Indiana Farm Bureau awarded scholarships to three young women pursuing careers in agriculture.
A couple from Columbus announced a new faculty endowment fund to Vincennes University, which will support agricultural innovation and education.
There are many reasons for choosing a career in agriculture.
An organization comprised of classic John Deere tractor enthusiasts is raising funds for Lake Land College scholarships.
The Illinois Grazing Lands Coalition opened registration for its inaugural statewide grazing conference.
The Illinois Agri-Women organization is offering five scholarships for females studying agriculture.
The National Cattlemen’s Foundation is accepting applications for the 2024 CME Group Beef Industry Scholarship. Ten scholarships of $1,500 each will be awarded to outstanding students pursuing careers in the beef industry.
The National Cattlemen’s Foundation is accepting applications for the annual W.D. Farr Scholarship program.
Illinois Agri-Women has awarded five scholarships for females studying agriculture. One $1,500 IAW Helen Henert Agriculture Education Scholarship has been awarded to Mallory Ames, an agriculture education major.
Four outstanding FFA students were selected as State Stars at the 94th annual Indiana FFA State Convention.
Helena Agri-Enterprises is awarding Libby Larkin of Pontiac, Illinois, with the Homegrown Scholarship worth $1,000 to pursue a higher education in agriculture.
Applications for Farm Credit Illinois’ annual agriculture scholarship and community improvement grant programs are open until Feb. 28.
The IAA Foundation announced that seven students will receive financial support to enroll in truck driver training classes through the Driving Agriculture Forward Scholarship program.
The Agriculture Scholarship Centre for Basis Trading Education Inc. awarded a $2,500 scholarship to Gunnar Wuebben of Albany.
The American Agri-Women Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2023 Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarships.
The Bureau County Farm Bureau Foundation announced it will be offering scholarships to area students majoring in agriculture or an agriculture-related field.
Women Changing the Face of Agriculture, a project of the Illinois Agri-Women, is offering four scholarships for females studying agriculture.