Thank You Teachers Letters 2023: Agri-News

Letters to Teachers for Thank You Teachers

Tim Arnold: Mr. Arnold, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I want to say thank you for helping me find my passion, believing in me, supporting me, and being the best teacher I have ever had. Each student that walks into your room is lucky to be there. You are the teacher that each student needs, but only some are lucky to have. Thank you for driving me to become the person I am today. You selflessly devote yourself to your job and us students are so thankful for you. Lucy Peterson

Garrett Helregel: Thank you so much for all that you do for your students and our FFA chapter. You truly lead by an example that each of us can follow and we always appreciate your support and encouragement. Thank You! Madilyn Brummer

Kimberley Payne: Thank you for everything you have done for Ryleigh! You have made her first year of “big kid” school so memorable! She feels so comfortable in your classroom. A thank you is simply not enough! Ryleigh Wolf

Matt Fisher: To be able to say where I have gotten to where I am today in my FFA journey without you is not possible. When I finally became a freshman in high school I was tremendously excited to have my first agriculture class. I was also looking forward to FFA, however I had no idea of the magnitude of the impact it would provide. Mr. Fisher you put me in the events and activities that you knew would benefit me well and excel in. For all of the encouragement and advice thank you!With many thanks, Blake Twenhafel

Brent: Nelson: Thank you for the late speech practices, studying ideas, and encouragement through every single part of FFA and high school that I have been through. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for everything we’ve been through, and the time together we still have! Thaddeus Bergschneide

Jeanie Pelka: Hi my name is Cordell Pelka -Carmon and my aunt Nean taught me for two years when no one else would take me she always believes and me and gave me a chance I’m know 15 and a sophomore at hall high school and doing amazing and my aunt has a very big part of that I can’t thank her enough. Cordell Pelka Carmon

Misty Maves: Thank you for stepping in to fill a position that you didn’t really know a whole lot about. I appreciate all of the work that you have put in and just wanted to say thank you for everything that you have done! Kylie Saathoff

Garrett Helregel: Thank you so much for all that you do for your students and our FFA chapter. You truly lead by an example that each of us can follow and we always appreciate your support and encouragement. Thank You! Madilyn Brummer