Digital agriculture is the next wave of technology that will help farmers increase their production and improve their management decisions.
The two most important forces shaping the cooperative business model are future farmers and talent management.
Individuals and a farm family were honored for their contributions to agriculture during the Illinois Soybean Association’s Impact Awards Banquet.
As soybean acreage began to increase in the early 1960s, a small group of farmers formed an organization to provide legislative representation.
Though growth in economic activity was generally small, expectations for growth rose moderately across most geographies and sectors across the Federal Reserve Districts.
Membership was on the minds of many as delegates gathered in Chicago for the annual meeting and to vote on and set the organization's policy priorities for the coming year.
Garrett Hawkins, a Waterloo farmer, was elected president of the Illinois Corn Growers Association for 2024-2025 at its recent reorganizational meeting.