January 15, 2025

Ag in focus: Favorite Farm Photo Contest winner is the cat’s meow

“George the Farm Cat” — Benjamin Biros: “George is quite the farm cat. He is gentle, always at your heels, and a favorite of everyone.”

LA SALLE, Ill. — “George the Farm Cat,” the winning picture in the annual online AgriNews Favorite Farm Photo Contest, was submitted by Benjamin Biros of Mazon, Illinois.

“These pictures help us tell the story of modern agriculture. They depict life and work on farms today and give everyone a glimpse into our lives and livelihoods, showcasing why we do what we do,” said AgriNews Executive Editor James Henry.

Throughout the month of July, shutterbugs uploaded photographs to the AgriNews website at www.agrinews-pubs.com. Then during first two weeks in August, everyone could vote for their favorite.

Receiving the highest number of votes, Biros won a $50 gift card. In the photograph, an orange tabby cat stares into the camera lens as it basks in the sunlight at the edge of a field.

“George is quite the farm cat. He is gentle, always at your heels, and a favorite of everyone,” Biros said.

The following companies supported the AgriNews contest: silver sponsors Community State Bank, Kaeb Sales and Sublette Farmers Elevator and bronze sponsor First State Bank of Mendota.

See all of the images at: https://tinyurl.com/FavoriteFarmPhotos.

“First Harvest” — Erin Muffler: “This image captures my son, Max, during his first ride in the combine during harvest. He smiled the whole ride. He was 5 months old in this picture.”
“Bassett Farms” — Jennifer Kurtz: “Wheat harvest 2024.”
“Walking on Sunshine” — Kelly Hardy: “Fresh round bales and a summer day make for good ‘flying.’”
“The Next Generation” — Myron Janssen: “At the end of the day.”
“Chillin’ With the Goats!” — Jackson Prior: “Where else would she be on Thanksgiving Day? Under the hayrack with the goats, of course! So thankful for this farm life!”
“The Babysitter” — Makayla Learned: “A family farm I visiting in Wyoming for a work trip at the end of kidding season. Young guard dog had been chased by the kids all day as they kept slipping out of the pen.”
“Golden Hour & Henry” — Bree Kohlhagen: “The sun coming down from the sky setting the perfect golden sunlight glowing off of Henry the calf.”
“Harold’s Zucchinis” — Carlos García: “Money bigger than my zucchinis.”
“July 4, 2024″ — Joe Carpenter: “Lookin’ good!”
“Horse in Pasture” — Zoey Kasparie: “Beautiful chestnut horse, Lizzie, in the pasture. Caring, loving, beautiful horse sad to see her owner walk back to the barn.”
“Retirement” — Daniel Smith: “What retirement looks from a distance.”
“Wait, Come Back!” — Kayla Weaver: “This sweet baby deer wasn’t done playing.”
“Red Barn Sunset” — Katie Weisbecker: “Something about a red barn and a sunset that catches your eye.”
“Beautiful Monday Morning” — Tim Blum: “Sun rising on our DeKalb County farm.”
“Dahlia” — Claire Anderson: “Dahlia at dusk.”
“Texas Cotton” — Michael Malone: “West Texas cotton crop.”
“Unloading Grain While Looking at the Sunset” — Molly Miller: “This was taken one night while unloading grain with a beautiful sunset.”
“My Great-Grandfather’s Farmstead” — Norman Caudle: “It’s a picture of my great-grandfather’s barn/homestead in fall of 2009. The house is long gone as the people who lived here. A few old horse shoes are still hanging in the barn. The mow is empty of hay. The roof is starting to see the age of the seasons.”
“Moo-deling” — William Petla: “An amazing piece of pasture modeling.”
“Late Night Cow Graze” — Beth Kohlhagen: “A picture of a cross-beef calf’s face that has fluffy ears. Multiple water droplets on his muzzle hair. Used with a tinted filter.”
“Farm Day” — Jnylah Sanders: “Hard work pays off.”
“Harvest Time” — Jamespock Samson: ‘I’m going home.”
AgriNews Staff

AgriNews Staff

The Illinois AgriNews and Indiana AgriNews staff is in the field each week, covering topics that affect local farm families and their businesses. We give readers information they can’t get elsewhere to help them make better farming decisions.