September 17, 2024

Illinois Stewardship Alliance honors four members

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The Illinois Stewardship Alliance recognized four members for their leadership skills at its annual meeting:

• Cliff Schuette, Soil Health Caucus Leader of the Year — Schuette, who raises beef and is a seed distributor in Breese, champions soil health solutions by being a knowledgeable and steadfast presence in the Soil Health Caucus, building relationships with policymakers at lobby days at the state capitol, and by sharing his story as an experienced farmer by writing op-eds for local media outlets.

• Robin Rank, Local Food Caucus Leader of the Year – Rank, a beginning farmer in Chrisman, honed in her advocacy skills by participating in member training workshops, and the alliance’s first Equity Learning Circle. Rank championed local food and soil health policies in the caucuses and took countless actions on state and federal policy to urge legislators to prioritize local food production. She also pitched in to make sure the annual Harvest Celebration event was a success and supports the alliance monthly with a recurring gift as a sustaining member.

• Derek Ervin, Farmer Leader of the Year 2023 — Ervin of Glacier’s End in Johnston City has been a champion for farmer-led change. Through his leadership of the Soil Health Caucus, he has inspired others to find their voice and empowers them to be a part of creating systems-wide change. By leading through example, he and his wife, Libby, hosted a southern Illinois soil health symposium and a roundtable with state Sen. Dale Fowler to discuss the importance of building local food infrastructure.

• Kevin Atchason, (L)Eater of the Year 2023 — Atchason of Springfield, representing the nonfarmers in the community, hit the ground running as a new member of the alliance. He attended all of the leadership training events, and dove into racial equity in agriculture in the first Equity Learning Circle. Atchason also served on the Harvest Celebration host committee. He supports the alliance monthly with a recurring gift as a sustaining member.