March 06, 2025

Intelinair announces collaboration with Hubner Industries LLC

Innovative digital platform to manage seed corn production

Intelinair elevates agronomic management decisions by providing insights all season long to farmers and ag retailers through its easy-to-use interactive platform. Hubner Industries LLC is a family-owned seed production company that was established in 1972.

INDIANAPOLIS — Intelinair and Hubner Industries LLC announced a strategic, multiyear collaboration agreement to create a new digital platform specifically to manage hybrid seed corn production.

Under the terms of the agreement, Intelinair will use its high-resolution imagery and data analytics to help growers more efficiently identify issues in the field throughout the season and inform real-time seed production management decisions to protect yield potential.

“We are excited to partner with Doug Hubner and his team at Hubner Industries, a family-owned business that has been in the seed production, treatment, packaging and distribution industry for more than 50 years,” said Tim Hassinger, CEO and president at Intelinair. “Through this new platform, we will be able to address the specific needs of seed production using our technology.”

The platform will simplify or automate some of the seed production practices used today, as well as help streamline decisions and dispatch field scouts to identify issues in the field throughout the season.

“Production managers need a way to closely and efficiently manage every acre of their seed crop, giving confidence to their seed partners they will have the highest quality seed,” said Doug Hubner, president at Hubner Industries. “What we are doing with Intelinair is going to be a game-changer for our production team as it will give us the best of both worlds.

“Real-time information through the combination of high-resolution imagery and data analytics, along with scouting tools for the boots on the ground in the fields, will help us manage our workflow and decisions throughout the growing season. We expect this combination will increase our yield by 2% to 3% and will deliver higher quality seed across every acre.”