March 18, 2025

Research confirms novel soybean yield-protection mechanism for 2025

Although soybeans can outgrow the side effects from early-season aboveground stress, they may not fully recover from the lower yield potential caused by belowground stress affecting the roots.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Following reports of high disease outbreaks last year, the World Meteorological Organization is predicting a 60% chance of La Niña weather in 2025, which could lead to cooler conditions.

If this happens, soybean growers will need to be prepared for any weather condition or disease outbreak.

Thanks to continued research into Saltro fungicide seed treatment, Syngenta has confirmed an additional way for soybean growers to unlock soybean yield potential, as well as their ROI potential, regardless of early-season pressure.

“Since it entered the market, Saltro has consistently delivered thorough protection against sudden death syndrome, soybean cyst nematode and, more recently, red crown rot,” said Dale Ireland, Syngenta technical lead.

“We’ve continued to run trials and have found Saltro also improves soybean health and potential yield in situations with no perceived pest or disease pressure, and that’s where the recently confirmed benefit of MagniSafe technology comes in.”

This well-documented and unique phenomenon, enabled exclusively by MagniSafe technology, results in extraordinary increases in root and shoot mass and enhanced plant-health improvements that can be seen regardless of disease or pest pressure.

Given seasonal uncertainty, Syngenta offers a solution to maximize soybean yield potential, no matter the early-season pest pressure.

“In various weather conditions and regardless of variety planted, Saltro-treated soybeans grow stronger, faster and healthier — above and below ground,” said Katie Jaeger, Syngenta product lead.

“Compared to other seed treatments or untreated seed trials, we’ve seen Saltro set soybeans up for greater success. It helps soybeans establish a larger root system for maximum nutrient uptake and helps plants emerge stronger and healthier for faster speed-to-canopy. In the field, it’s translated into higher yield and greater return potential.”

With enhanced plant health and crop safety, Saltro also boosts potential yields in the absence of disease or pest pressure with a 1.5- to 4.5-bushel yield increase compared to a base treatment alone across the broad acre.

“Soybean growers need higher yield to be profitable,” Jaeger said. “The unique protection from Saltro could bring the extra bushels growers need to bounce back after a challenging season and heading into an uncertain 2025.

“I encourage growers to try Saltro next season and see how its MagniSafe technology may impact yield and their bottom line.”

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