March 03, 2025

From the Fields: Too wet to harvest

Weather is still the main topic of my article this week. We’ve seen more rain move in across our area, dumping several inches of rain throughout our geography again. It’s becoming a real worry for us and a lot of surrounding farmers in our area about the uncertainty around getting crops out. It’s not as bad on corn acres, but soybeans have been the main struggle as we just can’t get enough dry weather put together to cut many acres before more rain comes. Fields are very saturated and will really get soft as this time of the year we see very few warm sunny days ahead of us to dry things back out. We will have to make due with what we have and go anytime we catch a good window to run. It’s looking like this next week is clear of rain, but very cloudy days and lacking the warmth. It could get interesting the rest of harvest and let’s just pray we can get it all some before that white stuff starts falling.

We hauled some more grain out to make sure we had plenty of room at our bin site to keep plugging away once we get the opportunity to get going again. The local ethanol plant had some strong in season bids, so we decided to haul about 15 loads up for extra space. Nothing really exciting going on as we sit idle waiting for Mother Nature to cooperate with us again.

I’m sorry this is a boring update from my part of the world, but not as much interesting action going on at this point with all the water around us. We kept busy trying to catch up on all the things we’ve neglected. I hope everyone enjoyed Halloween. We had several stops to make with our little guy to show off his costume. Hang in there if your like our area and are slow on progress this year. We feel your frustration and pain. Thanks and have a safe week, everyone.

Will Swope

Will Swope

Hope, Ind.