March 03, 2025

U.S. ag groups react to election

President-elect Donald Trump arrives to speak at a meeting of the House GOP conference Nov. 13 in Washington.

WASHINGTON — Voters chose to send Donald Trump, who served his first term as U.S. president from 2016 to 2020, back to the White House in the Nov. 5 national election.

According to the Associated Press, as of Nov. 17, Trump received 76,428,669 votes, or 50.1% of the nationwide popular vote. His Democratic opponent, current Vice President Kamala Harris, received 73,736,432 votes, or 48.3%.

With 270 votes needed to win the Electoral College and, in turn, the presidency, Trump is expected to have 312 electoral votes, with Harris having only 226.

In addition, Republicans gained back control of the U.S. Senate, with the balance of the chamber expected to be 53 Republicans to 47 Democrats and 50 seats needed for the majority.

Republicans also retained control of the U.S. House, holding the majority, with 218, to the Democrats’ 212.

Following the election, farm organizations responded to the results:

Kenneth Hartman Jr.

“We look forward to working with the new administration and members of Congress to advance policy that is important to corn farmers. We especially appreciate President Trump’s recognition that homegrown fuels, like ethanol, are important for our nation’s energy security and rural economies. We are also eager to work with his administration and Congress to enact improved farm policies and programs, expand market opportunities and build on the tax policies enacted during President Trump’s first term that are beneficial to corn farmers as they face a challenging financial outlook with low prices and high costs.”

Kenneth Hartman Jr., president

National Corn Growers Association

National Cattlemen's Beef Association Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane

“NCBA is excited to work with the president-elect to undo the harm which cattle producers have endured under four years of ‘Bidenomics’ and restore the free-market principles which have made U.S. cattle and beef the finest and safest in the world. Despite cattle prices soaring to record highs over the previous years, producers have been squeezed by exceptionally high input costs, record inflation and the Biden administration’s so-called competition agenda. This is the perfect opportunity to execute a hard reset on all of these failed policies.”

Ethan Lane, vice president of government affairs

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

Lori Stevermer

“Amid the current economic headwinds America’s pork producers face right now, our industry is focused on advancing policies that enable all farmers to operate their farms successfully and secure their livelihoods for future generations. Our message to all elected officials is the same — we must fix California Proposition 12, pass a new farm bill, continue promoting U.S. pork exports and resolve agriculture’s labor shortage. We look forward to collaborating with the new administration and Congress on these critical matters.”

Lori Stevermer, president

National Pork Producers Council

“This transition to a new administration comes at a pivotal time for agriculture and rural America. At NFU, we believe that strong support for family farmers and ranchers is essential for vibrant rural communities and resilient economies. Across the nation, family farmers and ranchers are grappling with unprecedented challenges, from escalating input costs and severe weather disasters to the absence of a renewed five-year farm bill. We see both urgency and opportunity to address these issues with long-term solutions that ensure fair and competitive markets, sustainability and economic vitality in our communities.”

Rob Larew, president

National Farmers Union

Geoff Cooper

“On behalf of our nation’s ethanol industry, we congratulate Donald Trump on his election as our next president. We share his vision for putting American energy first, stimulating growth in domestic production, lowering fuel costs for consumers and restoring balance and fairness in the global trade of energy commodities. We look forward to working with his administration in the years ahead to strengthen and expand the market for renewable fuels like ethanol. Trump understands that ethanol lowers fuel costs for hard-working families, reduces dependence on foreign energy sources, helps farmers and boosts the rural economy and protects the environment. We are committed to collaborating with the Trump administration on the many opportunities that lie ahead for renewable fuels.”

Geoff Cooper, president and CEO

Renewable Fuels Association

“Farm Bureau congratulates President-elect Donald Trump on his election to lead our great nation, as well as the representatives and senators elected to serve in the 119th Congress. We are committed to working with our nation’s leaders to strengthen agriculture and rural America, and we look forward to continuing that work in the days ahead. Now that the American people have spoken, it’s time to put politics aside and begin the work of ensuring families nationwide can prosper. Among the most pressing issues in rural America is the need for a new, modernized farm bill. The two-year delay is unacceptable. The new administration must also address the impending tax hikes, which would crush many of America’s farmers and ranchers when stacked on top of inflation, high supply costs and market instability. Another big issue on farmers’ minds is the labor shortage and skyrocketing costs.”

Zippy Duvall, president

American Farm Bureau Federation

Megan Tanel

“The Association of Equipment Manufacturers congratulates President-elect Trump on his election as the 47th President of the United States. We also congratulate Vice President-elect JD Vance and extend our congratulations to the reelected and newly elected members of Congress, governors and other state and local officials. We thank the election officials, poll workers and volunteers who kept our election safe, secure and accessible to everyone. Their hard work and dedication have yet again upheld the democratic process at the center of our system of self-governance. AEM’s focus continues to be on policy — not politics. We look forward to working with the Trump-Vance administration and leaders on both sides of the aisle to advance pro-manufacturing tax policies, strengthen rural America, ease regulatory burdens, negotiate new trade agreements and solve the immigration crisis. Together, we can advance a policy agenda that helps equipment manufacturers create jobs, invest in their communities and build equipment that makes life better for everyone.”

Megan Tanel, president

Association of Equipment Manufacturers

Constance Cullman

“Our members are facing many pressing challenges, including supply chain issues that have driven up business costs, unscientific trade barriers and geopolitical tensions that continue to threaten global trade, outdated regulations that have not kept pace with animal nutrition science and animal disease and environmental concerns. During the remaining days of this legislative session and into the next, it is important that we all work together to build business opportunities for the U.S. animal food industry and agricultural community. As an association that works with policymakers across both sides of the aisle, we stand ready to work with the Trump administration and officials elected to the 119th Congress to tackle these important issues.”

Constance Cullman, president and CEO

American Feed Industry Association

Mike Seyfert

“Approximately 140 million Americans went to the polls and voted, and they sent a clear message that a majority of our country supports President-elect Trump and his vision for America’s future. On behalf of America’s grain and feed industry, I want to congratulate the president-elect and his running mate JD Vance. NGFA enjoyed a positive working relationship with the previous Trump administration and are looking forward to partnering with his new administration over the next four years to strengthen the rural economy and put U.S. agriculture in a position to flourish for many years to come. From passage of a new farm bill to transportation investments and opening new markets for NGFA member companies and U.S. agriculture, there is a lot of work to do, and we are eager to work with President Trump and his administration.”

Mike Seyfert, president and CEO

National Grain and Feed Association

Keeff Felty

“Congratulations to President-elect Trump and the incoming members of the 119th Congress. American agriculture faces many challenges, and we look forward to working with the House and Senate leadership and the new Senate Agriculture Committee chair and ranking member in a bipartisan manner to support our farmers. However, there is work yet to be done this year. Wheat growers are seeking action during the lame duck to enact a farm bill and economic assistance by the end of the year that supports growers as we continue to face increased input costs, depressed prices and weather-related disasters. It is critical that we continue to advance those policy initiatives immediately and work with everyone in the 119th Congress to foster public policy initiatives that help our farmers and rural communities thrive.”

Keeff Felty, president

National Association of Wheat Growers

Jay Timmons

“Manufacturers congratulate President-elect Donald Trump on his historic victory and strong performance across manufacturing-intensive states. Every election represents a new beginning, providing a fresh opportunity to work with and for all Americans, no matter their political affiliation, and to recommit ourselves to the American experiment. President-elect Trump, we have worked with you during your time in office to enact historic wins for the 13 million people who make things in America, to drive increased investment in the sector, create jobs and provide for communities across the country. Now it’s time to get to work to address the policies that will define your administration. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was ‘rocket fuel’ for manufacturers. The legislation increased wages, helped us hire and make tremendous investments in our businesses and communities, giving us the certainty we needed to kickstart the manufacturing resurgence we have seen in recent years. Efforts to modernize permitting processes, unleash American energy and relieve backlogs of pipeline projects helped make us energy independent and provide needed resources for allies around the world. But we are facing monumental headwinds today, and sector optimism is at its lowest levels in years. The cost of business continues to increase. From health care to looming tax hikes, and aggressive agency overreach, the policies of today are keeping shovels out of the ground. We believe that we can build on the successes of our previous work together to roll back burdensome regulations, unleash American energy security, power the economy of the future with an all-of-the-above energy strategy and restore the dignity of manufacturing work.”

Jay Timmons, president and CEO

National Association of Manufacturers

Claire Babineaux-Fontenot

“Hunger transcends political parties. Feeding America’s position continues to be simple and consistent: We stand firmly alongside people facing hunger. We are committed to working with all elected and appointed officials to advance policies and programs that support the tens of millions of people experiencing food insecurity in every community in the U.S.”

Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, CEO

Feeding America

Jeannine Otto

Jeannine Otto

Field Editor