March 10, 2025

EPA upholds Midwest year-round E15 plan

An E15 nozzle is displayed on a pump at service station in Minneapolis. The higher blend has been prohibited in the summer because of concerns it could worsen smog during warm weather.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency upheld the current April 28 implementation date expanding E15 access to Midwest states year-round while awaiting a permanent solution from Congress.

This action, requested by governors in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin, provides regulatory certainty to fuel suppliers and expands consumer access to E15 year-round in those states, according to the EPA.

EPA had restricted sales of 15% plant-based bioethanol in the summer months due to environmental concerns over smog, but has granted waivers the past several years.

The most recent ruling confirms EPA’s decision last year to permanently lift the ban in eight Midwest states, effective in 2025.

“This decision underscores EPA’s commitment to consumer access to E15 while ensuring a smooth transition for fuel suppliers and refiners,” said EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin.

“Our approach provides certainty for states that are ready to move forward with year-round E15 while accommodating those that requested additional time. We will continue working with all stakeholders to ensure available and affordable fuel supply.”

At the same time, in recognition of concerns raised by some regarding fuel supply transitions, EPA intends to consider granting requests for a one-year delay for those states seeking additional time for compliance. Such a request has already been made by Ohio.

EPA intends to consider any additional states’ request for a delay that were submitted by Feb. 26 and aims to provide refiners and fuel suppliers with the final opportunity to make necessary adjustments to ensure the long-term success of year-round E15.

“A state-by-state approach would not be necessary if Congress passed the nationwide, year-round E15 legislation recently introduced in both the House and Senate.”

—  Geoff Cooper, president and CEO, Renewable Fuels Association

A legislative solution before the summer driving season to allow for the permanent, year-round sale of E15 nationwide is an option being negotiated in Congress.

“America’s ethanol producers and farmers are grateful to the Midwest governors who took the initiative to create a year-round market for E15 in their states, and it is reassuring that EPA intends to adhere to the law and follow through with implementation,” said Geoff Cooper, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO.

“As a nationwide solution has so far remained elusive, we applaud both the governors and EPA Administrator Zeldin for standing firm on this approach. At the same time, Ohio’s request to pull its E15 petition is a troubling sign that underscores the urgency of securing a federal legislative solution as soon as possible.

“A state-by-state approach would not be necessary if Congress passed the nationwide, year-round E15 legislation recently introduced in both the House and Senate.”

Bipartisan Bill

The Nationwide Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act was introduced Feb. 13 by Sens. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., and Deb Fisher, R-Neb., and Reps. Adrian Smith, R-Neb., and Angie Craig, D-Minn. Numerous co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle also signed on to the House and Senate bills.

“The bipartisan E15 bills have broad political and stakeholder support and accomplish President Trump’s goal of removing regulatory red tape and opening new markets for America’s farmers and the energy sector,” Cooper said.

“While the legislative solution is strongly preferred by all, we were also encouraged to see EPA is considering issuing emergency waivers to allow the uninterrupted sale of E15 nationwide this summer if Congress fails to act. Let’s hope that won’t be necessary.”

Geoff Cooper

American Coalition for Ethanol CEO Brian Jennings also urged Congress to support year-round E15 through legislation.

“We’re grateful to bipartisan leaders in the House and Senate for reintroducing this critically important legislation which would once and for all ensure nationwide permanent E15 availability,” Jennings said.

“Support for year-round E15 is growing in Congress and we thank our biofuel champions for leading the effort.”

ICGA Campaign

The Illinois Corn Growers Association is conducting a campaign urging its members to advocate for permanent year-round E15 legislation through a collective letter and by contacting legislators.

“In December of 2024 we were so close to including year-round E15 language in the end-of-year Continuing Resolution, but it was removed from the bill at the 11th hour. Now, all four leaders in the House and Senate are supportive of this effort and we’re hopeful to be able to get the job done,” ICGA President Garrett Hawkins of Waterloo said.

“Year-round E15 sales in the United States would increase corn demand and allow ethanol to be more competitive with electric vehicles. Together with other ag organizations like American Farm Bureau Federation and Illinois Farm Bureau, as well as the ethanol industry, the oil industry and fuel retailers, we can improve the corn economy. Don’t let outliers in the biofuel industry jeopardize our market growth.”

Tom Doran

Tom C. Doran

Field Editor