October 18, 2024

Meet the Muegges

Q&A: Bruce and Linda Muegge

Cattle graze outside at M5 Family Farms in Carthage, Indiana.

CARTHAGE, Ind. — Bruce and Linda Muegge lead their family farm with faith and a strong work ethic.

They’ve worked hard to build the farm to what it is today — a successful corn, soybean, wheat and cattle operation with an on-farm meat store.

They shared their story with AgriNews.

What do you love about farming?

Bruce: Mainly, the independence. Being out in the country. We don’t have to answer to too many people, but ourselves.

What role does faith play in your family and on your farm?

Linda: I think faith plays a huge role in our family. We go to Walnut Ridge Friends Church and have for the past 20 years or so. We trust in God. If you’ve got faith and trust, it doesn’t mean everything will be smooth sailing. But you learn, and everything happens for a reason. A much bigger picture than just us.

Bruce: It’s hard to farm if you don’t have faith of some sort.

What are you up to on the farm this time of year?

Bruce: I’ve been out in the shop working, getting things ready for the year. We’ve always got cattle work. We’re hauling hay and moving cattle around. We have our bull sale in March, so we’re preparing for that. We’re trying to get things cleaned up, as hard as that is to do in the mud.

Linda: The animals require constant care. In some ways, they need more care in the winter than in the summer. It’s a revolving door.

Do you enjoy working with family on the farm?

Bruce: Yes. That’s the best part of it. When you have all your family around. We try to make work fun. A couple years ago, we were all out in the cornfield. I was in the combine, our son, Chris, was shelling corn, Kade, my grandson, was pulling the grain cart and my son-in-law, John, was driving a semi. That was the first time all of us, three generations, were out there together. It was a special time.

Linda: The little ones love to help on the farm. We have a second-grader and a third-grader. They are dying to work on the farm. They will carry little tablets and track what they do. They get so excited to turn their little time sheets in. They’ll call and ask if anyone is working on the farm today? We’ll find little jobs they can help with. It’s a great opportunity for them to learn, step by step, and to teach them responsibility.

Any changes in store for 2024, acreage or in general?

Bruce: We’re always looking to improve things. As far as acreage, I don’t know that we’ll have any changes this spring. We’re always looking to be more efficient.

Why is it important to be involved in the community and ag industry?

Linda: I think it’s our duty to reach out and be a part of your community. We’ve tried to instill that in our kids. You want to give back. You want to help. Do what you can. At different stages, everyone is involved as much as they can. I think it’s important to share what agriculture is.

Bruce: Whatever you give, whether it’s time, effort, or money, it will always come back to you. It may not be today or tomorrow. It may not be your generation. But if you give and do good things, it will come back around.

What do you hope for the future of your family farm?

Bruce: I would hope the kids can keep it together. I know it’s a hard thing to do. We worked hard to get what we have. I’d hate to see it a housing addition or something like that. I’d love to see it held together for at least two or three generations.

Linda: That’s why we try to let the grandkids experience it. Let them see it and learn it.

Tell me about your involvement at church.

Linda: I’ve served as a clerk for a couple of years. It’s just a little country church about three miles from us. It’s a small church, but they do amazing things. They provide the meals we do for the bull sales in the spring and fall. The money from that goes to mission work.

Bruce: The church started in the early 1800s. The building has a lot of history.

Anything else you’d like to mention?

Linda: We want to thank the people who nominated us for the Farm Family of the Year award. We were surprised that we won. We’re kind of low-key people, so this is new to us.

Bruce: We have a great family and a great community. We have awesome neighbors. That makes everything easier. That’s something I love about farm life.

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor