March 14, 2025

From the Barns: Positive mental attitude

“In like a lamb” certainly is how March began in our part of the world, but I am sure we will pay some penalty strokes later in the month. The expected muddy season has arrived and the challenge of getting feed around to the cows is always part of it. Calving is still another month off and the green grass trying to poke through will be a welcome spot to receive all those calves when they start to rain down.

Last year’s calves are all weaned and started on feed. The health has been exceptional and we are feeding them mostly corn silage on an extended growing period. The crazy high corn price has us figuring and refiguring which direction to head with the calves. Back to grass is one good option to defray too high a cost of gain, but what the fat market will do that far out is in question — so much uncertainty with the war, economy and COVID all playing a part.

Once again, the only thing certain is the constant uncertainty. One thing for certain, spring is about to happen and spring work will happen one way or another. Manure application, fieldwork, planting season and calving are going to happen, ready or not.

It has been a great winter to get our tools sharpened up with parts availability being the only hang-up. I have yet to understand why things are in shortage — if they really are — but that is me being cynical. The fat market has been doing great, scratching at $150, but feed costs are eating up all the potential profits and the fuel prices are now gobbling up any extra consumer cash and that may eat away on beef demand.

Hopefully, there will be some resolution to all this unrest soon, and with the easing of COVID pressure, maybe the summer grilling season will see folks anxious to get out their barbecue tools and cook some beef. I know that is a lot to wish for, but negativity will not solve anything, so why not be positive? Here’s to warm breezes, dry ground, green grass and new babies. Spring is here.

Steve Foglesong

Steve Foglesong

Astoria, Ill.